ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Insult Generator

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 23rd plugin is Insult Generator.

Insult Generator
Uses shortcodes which allow a modern or medieval insult to be generated.

This plugin works by providing three shortcodes which can be positioned on a post, page or widget:

  • moderninsult when clicked will generate a modern insult displayed using the displayinsult shortcode.
  • medievalinsult when clicked will generate a medieval insult displayed using the displayinsult shortcode.
  • displayinsult is used to position the insult generated by one of the insult shortcodes.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

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