SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script uploads a text file using BULK INSERT to create manufacturing BOMs. There is error handling built in to check if the item or BOM exists and will throw an error if issues are found; BOMs are only inserted if there are no errors.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
/* CREATE TEMP ERROR TABLE */ CREATE TABLE #Errors ( Error VARCHAR(1000) ,ROW_ID INT IDENTITY ) GO /* CREATE TEMP TABLE FOR DATA */ CREATE TABLE #BOM_IMPORT ( PPN_I VARCHAR(30) ,CPN_I VARCHAR(30) ,BOMSEQ_I INTEGER ,QUANTITY_I NUMERIC(19,5) ,UOFM VARCHAR(9) ) GO /* BULK INSERT */ BULK INSERT #BOM_IMPORT FROM 'c:\temp\ItemBOM.txt' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t' ,ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ,FIRSTROW = 2 ) GO /* VALIDATE DATA */ --validate parent item INSERT INTO #Errors (Error) --VALUES ( SELECT 'Parent Item does not exist: ' + CAST(['Import'].PPN_I AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] LEFT JOIN IV00101 AS ['Item Master'] --Item Master (IV00101) ON ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR = ['Import'].PPN_I WHERE ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR IS NULL ) GO -- validate component item INSERT INTO #Errors (Error) --VALUES ( SELECT 'Component Item ' + CAST(['Import'].CPN_I AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' does not exist for ' + CAST(['Import'].PPN_I AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] LEFT JOIN IV00101 AS ['Item Master'] --Item Master (IV00101) ON ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR = ['Import'].CPN_I WHERE ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR IS NULL ) GO --validate existing bom INSERT INTO #Errors (Error) --VALUES ( SELECT 'BOM for Item already exists: ' + CAST(['Import'].PPN_I AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] LEFT JOIN BM010415 AS ['BOM Revision'] --BM010415 ON ['BOM Revision'].ITEMNMBR = ['Import'].PPN_I WHERE ['BOM Revision'].ITEMNMBR IS NOT NULL ) GO --validate existing bom lines INSERT INTO #Errors (Error) --VALUES ( SELECT 'BOM for Item already exists: ' + CAST(['Import'].PPN_I AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] LEFT JOIN BM010115 AS ['Bill Of Material Line File'] --BM010115 ON ['Bill Of Material Line File'].PPN_I = ['Import'].PPN_I WHERE ['Bill Of Material Line File'].PPN_I IS NOT NULL ) GO -- validate unit of measure INSERT INTO #Errors (Error) --VALUES ( SELECT 'Unit of Measure does not exist: ' + CAST(['Import'].UOFM AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] LEFT JOIN IV40202 AS ['Inventory U of M Schedule Detail Setup'] --Inventory U of M Schedule Detail Setup (IV40202) ON ['Inventory U of M Schedule Detail Setup'].UOFM = ['Import'].UOFM WHERE ['Inventory U of M Schedule Detail Setup'].UOFM IS NULL ) GO /* INSERT NEW DATA IF NO ERRORS */ --insert bom header IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Errors) = 0 -- Insert if no Email Details INSERT INTO BM010415 --BM010415 ( ITEMNMBR ,BOMCAT_I ,BOMNAME_I ,REVISIONLEVEL_I ,EFFECTIVEDATE_I ,BACKFLUSHITEM_I ,BOMTYPE_I ,LOCNCODE ,WCID_I ,Net_Phantom_Inventory ,CHANGEDATE_I ,CHANGEBY_I ,MFGNOTEINDEX3_I ) --VALUES ( SELECT DISTINCT PPN_I -- ITEMNMBR ,1 --BOMCAT_I ,'' --BOMNAME_I ,1 --REVISIONLEVEL_I ,'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' --EFFECTIVEDATE_I ,0 --BACKFLUSHITEM_I ,1 --BOMTYPE_I ,'' --LOCNCODE ,'' --WCID_I ,0 --Net_Phantom_Inventory ,FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.000') --CHANGEDATE_I ,USER_ID() --CHANGEBY_I ,0 --MFGNOTEINDEX3_I FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(['BOM Revision'].ITEMNMBR) FROM BM010415 AS ['BOM Revision'] WHERE ['BOM Revision'].ITEMNMBR = ['Import'].PPN_I ) = 0 ) GO -- insert bom lines IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Errors) = 0 -- Insert if no Email Details INSERT INTO BM010115 --BM010115 ( PPN_I ,CPN_I ,BOMCAT_I ,BOMNAME_I ,BOMTYPE_I ,BOMSEQ_I ,POSITION_NUMBER ,SUBCAT_I ,SUBNAME_I ,SUB_REV_LEVEL_SEQ_I ,QUANTITY_I ,OPTPERCENT_I ,SCRAPPERCENT_I ,FLOORSTOCK_I ,EFFECTIVEINDATE_I ,EFFECTIVEOUTDATE_I ,ALTERNATE_I ,ALTERNATEPARTFOR_I ,ALT_FOR_BOM_SEQ_I ,LEADTIMEOFFSET_I ,LEADTIMEOFFSETINC_I ,BOMUSERDEF1_I ,BOMUSERDEF2_I ,BOMSINGLELOT_I ,BOMENGAPPROVAL_I ,WCID_I ,LOCNCODE ,BACKFLUSHITEM_I ,CHANGEDATE_I ,USERID ,OPTIONED_ITEM_I ,ACTUAL_CONSUMED_CHECK_I ,FIXED_QTY_I ,UOFM ,U_Of_M_2 ,QTYBSUOM ,OFFSET_FROM_I ,MFGNOTEINDEX_I ,MFGNOTEINDEX2_I ) --VALUES ( SELECT PPN_I ,CPN_I ,1 --BOMCAT_I ,'' --BOMNAME_I ,1 --BOMTYPE_I ,BOMSEQ_I --BOMSEQ_I ,BOMSEQ_I --POSITION_NUMBER ,1 --SUBCAT_I ,'' --SUBNAME_I ,0 --SUB_REV_LEVEL_SEQ_I ,QUANTITY_I ,0 --OPTPERCENT_I ,0 --SCRAPPERCENT_I ,0 --FLOORSTOCK_I ,'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' --EFFECTIVEINDATE_I ,'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' --EFFECTIVEOUTDATE_I ,0 --ALTERNATE_I ,'' --ALTERNATEPARTFOR_I ,0 --ALT_FOR_BOM_SEQ_I ,0 --LEADTIMEOFFSET_I ,0 --LEADTIMEOFFSETINC_I ,'' --BOMUSERDEF1_I ,'' --BOMUSERDEF2_I ,0 --BOMSINGLELOT_I ,0 --BOMENGAPPROVAL_I ,'' --WCID_I ,'MAIN' --LOCNCODE ,0 --BACKFLUSHITEM_I ,FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.000') --CHANGEDATE_I ,USER_ID() ,0 --OPTIONED_ITEM_I ,0 --ACTUAL_CONSUMED_CHECK_I ,0 --FIXED_QTY_I ,UOFM ,UOFM --U_Of_M_2 ,1 --QTYBSUOM ,1 --OFFSET_FROM_I ,0 --MFGNOTEINDEX_I ,0 --MFGNOTEINDEX2_I FROM #BOM_IMPORT AS ['Import'] WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(['Bill Of Material Line File'].PPN_I) FROM BM010115 AS ['Bill Of Material Line File'] WHERE ['Bill Of Material Line File'].PPN_I = ['Import'].PPN_I AND ['Bill Of Material Line File'].CPN_I = ['Import'].CPN_I ) = 0 ) GO /* OUTPUT ERRORS */ IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Errors) > 0 SELECT Error FROM #Errors ORDER BY ROW_ID GO /* DROP TEMP TABLES */ DROP TABLE #BOM_IMPORT GO DROP TABLE #Errors GO

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In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Use Document Pages

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… series and of the wider In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In an earlier article in this series, I introduced the different types of pages used within Dynamics BC. I thought it might be useful to give a run through of how to use each of the pages; in this post, I’m going to take a look at document pages.

Document pages are used for single documents where there is a header and related document lines. There are many types of documents which use this type of page, including, but not limited to, purchase orders, purchase invoices, sales orders.

To an extent, a document page is like a card page in that you have the action pane at the top, factpane at the right side and the content is split into fasttabs which behave the same as on the card page. The difference on a document page is that there is a section for the document lines:

Purchase Order document page

This section cannot be folded up in the way a fasttab can. The document lines field is a typical listview with one line per document line with a need to scroll side to side-to-see all of the columns contained within.

The document line field has its own action pane which is very like the main one on the window, but all of the actions are specific to the lines; there are duplicates where there are duplicate actions for the document header and lines. One example would be Dimensions.

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Use Document Pages”