FA Posting Type Must Not Be “” on a General Journal in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralAs I announced in September, I am now working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. I have been climbing a steep learning curve, but I think I’ve got a handle on most of the basics now.

It is sometimes the little things which are catching me out. I was doing some testing with fixed assets and ran into an issue trying to enter an asset acquisition:

Error posting a general journal for asset acquisition

FA Posting Type Must Not Be on a Gen. Journal Line

I had been tricked by the Account Type field having an entry of Fixed Asset; instead I should have used the Fixed Asset G/L Journals page to enter the acquisition:

Search results for fixed jour

This page has extra fields on it specifically for Fixed Assets which includes the FA Posting Type column which allows for code>Acquisition cost:

Fixed Asset G/L Journals page

After I had re-entered the acquisition journal in this page, I was able to post the batch without further issue.

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