This post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1.
The second of the new functionality in the Legislation section is Audit File Export Eases Saf-T Compliance.
SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) is an international standard for the electronic exchange of accounting data from organizations to a national tax authority or external auditors. As such, it’s required in many countries worldwide as a standard feature.
Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Apr 2023
General Availability: May 2023
Feature Details
Many countries require reporting financial data and providing a set of SAF-T exports. The new Audit file export extension makes it easy to set up, generate, and export SAF-T in Business Central.
This extension enables future extension to additional audit files exports, so you can easily set up what you want to report to auditors.
The extension provides the following capabilities:
- Setup and mapping of the chart of accounts to SAF-T standard accounts.
- Mapping VAT setup to SAF-T VAT/Tax codes.
- Control to which extent dimensions are exported in SAF-T files.
- Export of SAF-T files, either directly or by using the Job Queue.
New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1
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