SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script returns payables transactions at a status of open or history after a specified date.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

Click to show/hide the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP Series Index

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Verify PM Batches Exist
Update Accrued Purchases Distribution on History Receipts from Posting Account Setup
Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File
SQL Function To Return Approver
List of Active Fixed Assets
Insert Manufacturing Routings from Text File
Table Function to Split String on Delimiter
List of Open Payables Transactions
Insert Creditor Item Numbers
Return Top Level BOM for Manufacturing Orders
Custom Purchase Order Email Notification to Originator on Workflow Final Approval
list of Open Payables Distributions
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Payment Run Apply Query
List GL Transactions
Simple RMA Audit
Change Vendor Change Approvals Joins and Fields
Insert National Accounts from CSV
List GL Accounts With Notes
Import Site Bins From CSV
Remove Multicurrency from Sales Transactions
Change Email Notification Assignment
List General Ledger Transactions (Excluding Year End Journals)
List Taxes Linked to GL Accounts
Allow Workflow Originator to be an Approver
Add Joins and Fields to PM Document Approval Notification Emails
Update Accounts and Distributions on Work Status Sales Transactions from Item Card, Tax Details or Posting Account Setup
Upload and Verify Tax Commodity Codes
Delete Corrupt Extended Pricing Data
Assign All Items to All Site Bins
Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site
Change Web Service URi
SQL View to Return Quantity Available
Verify Tax Detail Assigned to Vendor
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Header
Prefix Companies Names with System Designator
SQL View to Return Category Linked to Segment 3 in COA
Update Site Descriptions From CSV
Copy Workflow from Source to Destination Database
Extract GL Period Balances
Sales by Customer By Year
Purchased Items With Serial Numbers and Linked Sales Transactions
SQL View to Return Purchase Orders
Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script
Copy Workflow Calendar from Source to Destination Database
SQL Trigger on PO invoice Insert to Change GL posted Date
Sales by Salesperson By Year
Script to Set Transactions as Included on VAT Daybook Return
SQL Script to Return PO Receipts
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
View for Payables Transactions Extract
Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date
Copy Email Messages from a Source to Destination Database
PO Receipt History View
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Assignments
Extract Payables Transactions from All Companies
List Open Purchase Orders
SQL View to Create Division Tree for Management Reporter
Select Chart of Accounts
Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for All Existing Users
Workflow Assignment Review
Update Item Replenishment Method for Manufacturing
Get Alpha Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Set Vendor On Hold If EFT Details Changed
List Open Purchase Order Lines
SQL View to Create Division, including UDF 3 and 4, Tree for Management Reporter
Delete Orphaned Vendor EFT Details
Sales Invoice Query
Round Extended Pricing Price Sheet Item Value
Get Numeric Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Trigger to Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for New Users
View to Return List of Payments and Linked Invoices
Select Duplicate Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work Records
RM Aged Debt Report
Select Next Temporary Creditor ID
Select a List of Vendor Addresses
Set Vendor On Hold When Created
Assembly Transaction Quantities Required
Generate Standard Cost Update Macro from Text File Import
Check for Corrupt Extended Pricing Records
Sales Line Items
Compare Ship To Address on Work Sales Trx Against Customer
SQL View to Return PO Commitment Detail
List Bank Accounts with Linked GL Accounts
Validate and Insert/Update Vendor Emails from a Text File
Return Items with Incorrect Quantities
Set Account Categories To User-Defined Field 2
Check Posting Type for Account (Segment 2)/Account Category Combinations
Update Ship To Name on Work Sales Transactions to Match the Customer Name
List Tax Detail Transactions
Select Tax Details and Related G/L Accounts
Update Account Description by Adding 3rd Segment Description
Update Segment Descriptions from Other Database
Return Opening Balance for Period of Supplied Date
Update Min Order Qty and Average Lead Time on Vendor Item From Text File
List of PM Invoices for Vendors with POs
Select Debit, Credit and Net Change for All Accounts in Date Range
Select All Pending Prepayments
Available Stock for All Items
Item Report
Migrate Vendor Emails from Active Docs to Standard Email Fields
Update Mfg Cost Accounts from Mfg Item Class Setup
PO Commitment Detail
Update Inventory Accounts from Item Class
Create Macro to Delete Items
Update Accounts Payable Distribution on Work Status PM Transactions from Posting Account Setup
Update Item Resource Planning on Item Quantity Master from Text File
SQL View to Return List of Posted Vendor Document Numbers
Update Inventory Distribution on Work Status Purchase Orders from the Item Card
Update Item Engineering File from a Text File
List of Exchange Rates

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Understand the Types of Pages Available

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… series and of the wider In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

There are a number of page types available within Dynamics BC, each of which serves a specific purpose; in future articles I’ll probably cover specifics of how different page types work, but in this post, I’m just looking at the types of page which exist and at their purpose/use.

List Pages

Vendors list page

List pages list data from a table and can be toggled from between a tile, tall tile and list view. The screenshot above shows the list of vendors in the system; there are many lists available covering setup, master and document data.

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Understand the Types of Pages Available”

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script selects all primary keys for all tables in a database and creates the ALTER script to reapply them. It seems I created this in 2015 to allow primary keys to be exported from one Dynamics GP database and then applied against another.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
-- Get all existing primary keys DECLARE cPK CURSOR FOR SELECT so.name, si.name, si.type_desc FROM sys.indexes si JOIN sys.objects so ON si.object_id = so.object_id AND so.type = 'U' WHERE si.type_desc <> 'HEAP' AND si.is_Primary_Key = 1 ORDER BY so.Name DECLARE @PkTable sysname DECLARE @PkName sysname DECLARE @KeyType nvarchar(50) -- Loop through all the primary keys OPEN cPK FETCH NEXT FROM cPK INTO @PkTable, @PkName, @KeyType WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN DECLARE @PKSQL nvarchar(4000) SET @PKSQL = '' SET @PKSQL = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @PkTable + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + @PkName + ' PRIMARY KEY ' + @KeyType + ' (' -- Get all columns for the current primary key DECLARE cPKColumn CURSOR FOR SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME = @PkTable AND CONSTRAINT_NAME = @PkName ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION OPEN cPKColumn DECLARE @PkColumn sysname DECLARE @PkFirstColumn bit SET @PkFirstColumn = 1 -- Loop through all columns and append the sql statement FETCH NEXT FROM cPKColumn INTO @PkColumn WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN IF (@PkFirstColumn = 1) SET @PkFirstColumn = 0 ELSE SET @PKSQL = @PKSQL + ', ' SET @PKSQL = @PKSQL + @PkColumn FETCH NEXT FROM cPKColumn INTO @PkColumn END CLOSE cPKColumn DEALLOCATE cPKColumn SET @PKSQL = @PKSQL + ')' -- Print the primary key statement PRINT @PKSQL FETCH NEXT FROM cPK INTO @PkTable, @PkName, @KeyType END CLOSE cPK DEALLOCATE cPK

Click to show/hide the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP Series Index

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Verify PM Batches Exist
Update Accrued Purchases Distribution on History Receipts from Posting Account Setup
Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File
SQL Function To Return Approver
List of Active Fixed Assets
Insert Manufacturing Routings from Text File
Table Function to Split String on Delimiter
List of Open Payables Transactions
Insert Creditor Item Numbers
Return Top Level BOM for Manufacturing Orders
Custom Purchase Order Email Notification to Originator on Workflow Final Approval
list of Open Payables Distributions
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Payment Run Apply Query
List GL Transactions
Simple RMA Audit
Change Vendor Change Approvals Joins and Fields
Insert National Accounts from CSV
List GL Accounts With Notes
Import Site Bins From CSV
Remove Multicurrency from Sales Transactions
Change Email Notification Assignment
List General Ledger Transactions (Excluding Year End Journals)
List Taxes Linked to GL Accounts
Allow Workflow Originator to be an Approver
Add Joins and Fields to PM Document Approval Notification Emails
Update Accounts and Distributions on Work Status Sales Transactions from Item Card, Tax Details or Posting Account Setup
Upload and Verify Tax Commodity Codes
Delete Corrupt Extended Pricing Data
Assign All Items to All Site Bins
Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site
Change Web Service URi
SQL View to Return Quantity Available
Verify Tax Detail Assigned to Vendor
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Header
Prefix Companies Names with System Designator
SQL View to Return Category Linked to Segment 3 in COA
Update Site Descriptions From CSV
Copy Workflow from Source to Destination Database
Extract GL Period Balances
Sales by Customer By Year
Purchased Items With Serial Numbers and Linked Sales Transactions
SQL View to Return Purchase Orders
Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script
Copy Workflow Calendar from Source to Destination Database
SQL Trigger on PO invoice Insert to Change GL posted Date
Sales by Salesperson By Year
Script to Set Transactions as Included on VAT Daybook Return
SQL Script to Return PO Receipts
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
View for Payables Transactions Extract
Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date
Copy Email Messages from a Source to Destination Database
PO Receipt History View
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Assignments
Extract Payables Transactions from All Companies
List Open Purchase Orders
SQL View to Create Division Tree for Management Reporter
Select Chart of Accounts
Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for All Existing Users
Workflow Assignment Review
Update Item Replenishment Method for Manufacturing
Get Alpha Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Set Vendor On Hold If EFT Details Changed
List Open Purchase Order Lines
SQL View to Create Division, including UDF 3 and 4, Tree for Management Reporter
Delete Orphaned Vendor EFT Details
Sales Invoice Query
Round Extended Pricing Price Sheet Item Value
Get Numeric Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Trigger to Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for New Users
View to Return List of Payments and Linked Invoices
Select Duplicate Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work Records
RM Aged Debt Report
Select Next Temporary Creditor ID
Select a List of Vendor Addresses
Set Vendor On Hold When Created
Assembly Transaction Quantities Required
Generate Standard Cost Update Macro from Text File Import
Check for Corrupt Extended Pricing Records
Sales Line Items
Compare Ship To Address on Work Sales Trx Against Customer
SQL View to Return PO Commitment Detail
List Bank Accounts with Linked GL Accounts
Validate and Insert/Update Vendor Emails from a Text File
Return Items with Incorrect Quantities
Set Account Categories To User-Defined Field 2
Check Posting Type for Account (Segment 2)/Account Category Combinations
Update Ship To Name on Work Sales Transactions to Match the Customer Name
List Tax Detail Transactions
Select Tax Details and Related G/L Accounts
Update Account Description by Adding 3rd Segment Description
Update Segment Descriptions from Other Database
Return Opening Balance for Period of Supplied Date
Update Min Order Qty and Average Lead Time on Vendor Item From Text File
List of PM Invoices for Vendors with POs
Select Debit, Credit and Net Change for All Accounts in Date Range
Select All Pending Prepayments
Available Stock for All Items
Item Report
Migrate Vendor Emails from Active Docs to Standard Email Fields
Update Mfg Cost Accounts from Mfg Item Class Setup
PO Commitment Detail
Update Inventory Accounts from Item Class
Create Macro to Delete Items
Update Accounts Payable Distribution on Work Status PM Transactions from Posting Account Setup
Update Item Resource Planning on Item Quantity Master from Text File
SQL View to Return List of Posted Vendor Document Numbers
Update Inventory Distribution on Work Status Purchase Orders from the Item Card
Update Item Engineering File from a Text File
List of Exchange Rates

Excel Snippets: Calculate Difference Between Dates

Microsoft ExcelI might not post many Excel snippets, but I’m collecting them into a small Excel Snippets series to make them easy to find.

Most, if not all, of the programming/scripting languages I work with will have a function allowing you to calculate a difference between two dates, but I always have to look them up.

It’s not too difficult in Excel; this formula can be used to work out the number of days difference between the values in cells A2 (start date) and A3 (end date):


The highlighted section can be several values depending on how you want the date difference calculated:

Unit Returns
D The number of days between the supplied dates.
M The number of months between the supplied dates.
Y The number of years between the supplied dates.
MD The number of days between the supplied dates ignoring the months and years.
YM The number of months between the supplied dates with the days and years ignored.
YD The number of days between the supplied dates with the years ignored.

More details and examples on these units are available from the Microsoft Support article which notes they don’t recommend MD, but, to be honest, I don’t see much use for any of the last three listed above.

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Update Site Descriptions From CSV

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script was created to allow a client to rename sites in Dynamics GP from a CSV file.

If the name provided was only DO NOT USE then this was added to the start of the existing site description (which was then truncated to the maximum length of 30 characters) otherwise the site description was replaced with the one from the file.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

Click to show/hide the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP Series Index

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Verify PM Batches Exist
Update Accrued Purchases Distribution on History Receipts from Posting Account Setup
Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File
SQL Function To Return Approver
List of Active Fixed Assets
Insert Manufacturing Routings from Text File
Table Function to Split String on Delimiter
List of Open Payables Transactions
Insert Creditor Item Numbers
Return Top Level BOM for Manufacturing Orders
Custom Purchase Order Email Notification to Originator on Workflow Final Approval
list of Open Payables Distributions
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Payment Run Apply Query
List GL Transactions
Simple RMA Audit
Change Vendor Change Approvals Joins and Fields
Insert National Accounts from CSV
List GL Accounts With Notes
Import Site Bins From CSV
Remove Multicurrency from Sales Transactions
Change Email Notification Assignment
List General Ledger Transactions (Excluding Year End Journals)
List Taxes Linked to GL Accounts
Allow Workflow Originator to be an Approver
Add Joins and Fields to PM Document Approval Notification Emails
Update Accounts and Distributions on Work Status Sales Transactions from Item Card, Tax Details or Posting Account Setup
Upload and Verify Tax Commodity Codes
Delete Corrupt Extended Pricing Data
Assign All Items to All Site Bins
Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site
Change Web Service URi
SQL View to Return Quantity Available
Verify Tax Detail Assigned to Vendor
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Header
Prefix Companies Names with System Designator
SQL View to Return Category Linked to Segment 3 in COA
Update Site Descriptions From CSV
Copy Workflow from Source to Destination Database
Extract GL Period Balances
Sales by Customer By Year
Purchased Items With Serial Numbers and Linked Sales Transactions
SQL View to Return Purchase Orders
Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script
Copy Workflow Calendar from Source to Destination Database
SQL Trigger on PO invoice Insert to Change GL posted Date
Sales by Salesperson By Year
Script to Set Transactions as Included on VAT Daybook Return
SQL Script to Return PO Receipts
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
View for Payables Transactions Extract
Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date
Copy Email Messages from a Source to Destination Database
PO Receipt History View
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Assignments
Extract Payables Transactions from All Companies
List Open Purchase Orders
SQL View to Create Division Tree for Management Reporter
Select Chart of Accounts
Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for All Existing Users
Workflow Assignment Review
Update Item Replenishment Method for Manufacturing
Get Alpha Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Set Vendor On Hold If EFT Details Changed
List Open Purchase Order Lines
SQL View to Create Division, including UDF 3 and 4, Tree for Management Reporter
Delete Orphaned Vendor EFT Details
Sales Invoice Query
Round Extended Pricing Price Sheet Item Value
Get Numeric Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Trigger to Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for New Users
View to Return List of Payments and Linked Invoices
Select Duplicate Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work Records
RM Aged Debt Report
Select Next Temporary Creditor ID
Select a List of Vendor Addresses
Set Vendor On Hold When Created
Assembly Transaction Quantities Required
Generate Standard Cost Update Macro from Text File Import
Check for Corrupt Extended Pricing Records
Sales Line Items
Compare Ship To Address on Work Sales Trx Against Customer
SQL View to Return PO Commitment Detail
List Bank Accounts with Linked GL Accounts
Validate and Insert/Update Vendor Emails from a Text File
Return Items with Incorrect Quantities
Set Account Categories To User-Defined Field 2
Check Posting Type for Account (Segment 2)/Account Category Combinations
Update Ship To Name on Work Sales Transactions to Match the Customer Name
List Tax Detail Transactions
Select Tax Details and Related G/L Accounts
Update Account Description by Adding 3rd Segment Description
Update Segment Descriptions from Other Database
Return Opening Balance for Period of Supplied Date
Update Min Order Qty and Average Lead Time on Vendor Item From Text File
List of PM Invoices for Vendors with POs
Select Debit, Credit and Net Change for All Accounts in Date Range
Select All Pending Prepayments
Available Stock for All Items
Item Report
Migrate Vendor Emails from Active Docs to Standard Email Fields
Update Mfg Cost Accounts from Mfg Item Class Setup
PO Commitment Detail
Update Inventory Accounts from Item Class
Create Macro to Delete Items
Update Accounts Payable Distribution on Work Status PM Transactions from Posting Account Setup
Update Item Resource Planning on Item Quantity Master from Text File
SQL View to Return List of Posted Vendor Document Numbers
Update Inventory Distribution on Work Status Purchase Orders from the Item Card
Update Item Engineering File from a Text File
List of Exchange Rates

Filter Error on G/L Budget Card in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralA client reported a problem to me recently with the filters on the G/L Budget card in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; they had been entering budget figures and wanted to review rows with numbers so applied a filter to the matrix, but found that the view did not change.

When they reported this to me I tried it on a couple of different versions of Dynamics BC and was able to reproduce the issue on both of them. It didn’t matter what the filter on the Budgeted Amount was, the data in the matrix never changed:

Filter of >0 being entered

We logged this with Microsoft to discover that they were aware of it and have it classed as “working by design”. This isn’t because it is working as it should, but because when they looked into it, they judged it as too complex to fix on a hotfix and had the original user who reported the issue log it on the Microsoft Ideas; if the idea gets sufficient votes then it will be considered as a feature request.

It seems that none of the filters available on the G/L Entry window and related export work to limit the visible/included data; I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at the suggestion and vote in favour so that the error can be fixed.

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script was created for a client who was closing some sites and wanted to get a list of all Work status sales transactions against a specific site.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

Click to show/hide the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP Series Index

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Verify PM Batches Exist
Update Accrued Purchases Distribution on History Receipts from Posting Account Setup
Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File
SQL Function To Return Approver
List of Active Fixed Assets
Insert Manufacturing Routings from Text File
Table Function to Split String on Delimiter
List of Open Payables Transactions
Insert Creditor Item Numbers
Return Top Level BOM for Manufacturing Orders
Custom Purchase Order Email Notification to Originator on Workflow Final Approval
list of Open Payables Distributions
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Payment Run Apply Query
List GL Transactions
Simple RMA Audit
Change Vendor Change Approvals Joins and Fields
Insert National Accounts from CSV
List GL Accounts With Notes
Import Site Bins From CSV
Remove Multicurrency from Sales Transactions
Change Email Notification Assignment
List General Ledger Transactions (Excluding Year End Journals)
List Taxes Linked to GL Accounts
Allow Workflow Originator to be an Approver
Add Joins and Fields to PM Document Approval Notification Emails
Update Accounts and Distributions on Work Status Sales Transactions from Item Card, Tax Details or Posting Account Setup
Upload and Verify Tax Commodity Codes
Delete Corrupt Extended Pricing Data
Assign All Items to All Site Bins
Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site
Change Web Service URi
SQL View to Return Quantity Available
Verify Tax Detail Assigned to Vendor
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Header
Prefix Companies Names with System Designator
SQL View to Return Category Linked to Segment 3 in COA
Update Site Descriptions From CSV
Copy Workflow from Source to Destination Database
Extract GL Period Balances
Sales by Customer By Year
Purchased Items With Serial Numbers and Linked Sales Transactions
SQL View to Return Purchase Orders
Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script
Copy Workflow Calendar from Source to Destination Database
SQL Trigger on PO invoice Insert to Change GL posted Date
Sales by Salesperson By Year
Script to Set Transactions as Included on VAT Daybook Return
SQL Script to Return PO Receipts
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
View for Payables Transactions Extract
Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date
Copy Email Messages from a Source to Destination Database
PO Receipt History View
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Assignments
Extract Payables Transactions from All Companies
List Open Purchase Orders
SQL View to Create Division Tree for Management Reporter
Select Chart of Accounts
Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for All Existing Users
Workflow Assignment Review
Update Item Replenishment Method for Manufacturing
Get Alpha Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Set Vendor On Hold If EFT Details Changed
List Open Purchase Order Lines
SQL View to Create Division, including UDF 3 and 4, Tree for Management Reporter
Delete Orphaned Vendor EFT Details
Sales Invoice Query
Round Extended Pricing Price Sheet Item Value
Get Numeric Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Trigger to Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for New Users
View to Return List of Payments and Linked Invoices
Select Duplicate Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work Records
RM Aged Debt Report
Select Next Temporary Creditor ID
Select a List of Vendor Addresses
Set Vendor On Hold When Created
Assembly Transaction Quantities Required
Generate Standard Cost Update Macro from Text File Import
Check for Corrupt Extended Pricing Records
Sales Line Items
Compare Ship To Address on Work Sales Trx Against Customer
SQL View to Return PO Commitment Detail
List Bank Accounts with Linked GL Accounts
Validate and Insert/Update Vendor Emails from a Text File
Return Items with Incorrect Quantities
Set Account Categories To User-Defined Field 2
Check Posting Type for Account (Segment 2)/Account Category Combinations
Update Ship To Name on Work Sales Transactions to Match the Customer Name
List Tax Detail Transactions
Select Tax Details and Related G/L Accounts
Update Account Description by Adding 3rd Segment Description
Update Segment Descriptions from Other Database
Return Opening Balance for Period of Supplied Date
Update Min Order Qty and Average Lead Time on Vendor Item From Text File
List of PM Invoices for Vendors with POs
Select Debit, Credit and Net Change for All Accounts in Date Range
Select All Pending Prepayments
Available Stock for All Items
Item Report
Migrate Vendor Emails from Active Docs to Standard Email Fields
Update Mfg Cost Accounts from Mfg Item Class Setup
PO Commitment Detail
Update Inventory Accounts from Item Class
Create Macro to Delete Items
Update Accounts Payable Distribution on Work Status PM Transactions from Posting Account Setup
Update Item Resource Planning on Item Quantity Master from Text File
SQL View to Return List of Posted Vendor Document Numbers
Update Inventory Distribution on Work Status Purchase Orders from the Item Card
Update Item Engineering File from a Text File
List of Exchange Rates

Migrate FileZilla Site Connections to a New Machine

Useful ApplicationsI’ve tried a few FTP clients across the years, but alays come back to FileZilla as it is easy to use and seems to manage uploads/downloads better than the other ones I have tried. I work on a few different PCs and manage over a dozen different websites.

I quickly got tired of needing to create connection details on each PC when I wanted to access a site. I did some poking around on one of the computers (the one with most connections created) and found that the settings are stored in %AppData%\FileZilla; one of the files is sitemanager.xml which holds all of the details for the created connections.

It is a simple case of copying the file from that folder on one PC to the same folder on the other PCs and I have the same connections available, without the need to manually create them.

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPLong time readers of this site will be aware that I changed jobs in September this year and no longer work with Microsoft Dynamics GP.

I worked with Dynamics GP for just over 19 years and in that time I wrote a lot of SQL scripts for a variety of purposes. I’ve decided to publish almost all of the scripts I have written an will use this series as the container to hold them. I’ll filter out scripts which are duplicates of each other or what I have already posted, but otherwise will post them all.

Some may not be that useful to others or require tweaking before they can be used. If a script looks like it might be useful and you have questions, ask in the comments for that script and I’ll do what I can too help.

Continue reading “SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Series Index”

Urgent Resolution to a Permissions Issue With Jet Reports and Jet Analytics When Used With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud Data Connector

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centralinsightsoftware have issued an urgent notification of a permissions issue with Jet Reports and Jet Analytics when used with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central cloud data connector. An error is produced when the user tries to use either of the Jet products.

The issue is that Microsoft have made a change today to deprecate a permission on the Jet app registrations called Azure AD Graph. The previous app was published as Jet Global Data Technologies; a new one called insightsoftware has been created with the correct API permissions.

To pick up the new permissions and resolve the issue, all users need to do is log out and back in (Excel » Jet » Settings » Data Source Settings » Authentication » Log Out » Log In), accepting the permission request when prompted.

Jet Analytics users will be automatically prompted to log back in and they will not get an error, however, they will also need to accept the new permissions request.

If the users receive a message saying that admin approval is needed, the Azure Active Directory Administrator needs to provide Administrator consent for the new Jet Reports App in order for users to sign in against it.

If needed the Azure Active Directory Administrator consent is needed, this is done by logging into Business Central via Jet Reports by going to Settings » Data Source Settings » Authentication » Log in; they will get an option to consent to the application being used in the tenant.