Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo: Selected Server Configuration

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo series in which I am creating a demo series for learning/demonstrating Business Central.

in this last post, I covered the system requirements for a demo/test system. Before getting started, I thought I would quickly post on the exact system configuration I am using for this demo system.

Firstly, I have a standalone active directory domain controller, although I don’t think it will actually be needed. I’m using it though, as I always connect my demo machines to an AD domain controller as I’ve been caught a few times needing one after initially thinking I would not.

Secondly, the Business Central server which will host all of the Business Central services. This is a server with a 100GB HDD, 4 GB RAM (below the system recommendations, but I can scale up if needed) and running Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (H21H2).

I have also installed Office 2019 Professional in order to have access to Excel and Word.

Other software requirements will be installed by the Business Central Setup utility.

Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo: System Requirements

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo series in which I am creating a demo series for learning/demonstrating Business Central.

The full system requirements for Business Central are available on Microsoft Docs. In this post, I’m listing out the requirements for running Business Central in an offline learning/demo environment; I will be missing some functionality, such as that around email, but am concentrating on the core functionality.

The below is not the configuration you’d be using for a full production installation, but only for a more limited test/demo system.


Specification Requirement
Supported operating systems
  • Windows 11 Pro, Enterprise, or Education (64-bit edition).
  • Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education (64-bit edition).
  • Windows Server 2022 (Datacenter, Standard).
  • Windows Server 2019 (Datacenter, Standard).
  • Windows Server, version 20H2 or later (Datacenter, Standard).
Hardware resources
  • Hard disk space: 2 GB.
  • Memory: 8 GB.
Additional software
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.
Additional information Business Central Setup installs the following software if it’s not already present on the target computer:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
  • Windows Identity Foundation.
  • Report Builder for SQL Server 2019.

Continue reading “Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo: System Requirements”

Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve recently started doing some work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and need access to a demo/test system . While the online version of Dynamics BC is probably the most commonly used and I do have access to an online demo/sandbox environment, I am sometimes working where I do not have an Internet connection and therefore decided that having an on-premise version installed in a demo VM would be a good way of managing this.

in this short series of posts, I’m going to step through creating a Business Central demo system.

If you’re reading this post directly on azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional the series index will automatically update as each post in the series goes live; if you’re reading elsewhere check back to the original post.

Installing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 On-premise Demo
System Requirements
Selected Server Configuration
Download Software
Server Installation
Client Login

Git Command Line Snippets: Update Name and Email

GitHubThis post is part of the series on Git Command Line Snippets where I am taking a look at performing actions on GitHub using the git command line.

Before you start using Git you need to enter your credentials to identify yourself as the author. The name and email address should both be set to the same as the ones you use in GitHub.

To set your username you can use this command:

git config --global "azurecurve"

To set your email address you can use this command:

git config --global ""

Git Command Line Snippets: Series Index

GitHubBack in April 2020, I did a series on using GitHub when developing for ClassicPress. More recently I have started to take a look at using the git command line to help automate making commits, releases and other actions. I’ m going to use this git snippets series to record the commands I have been using.

You can use an ordinary Windows command prompt or PowerShell to run git commands; I started out using command line, but did move onto running them in PowerShell as soon as I wanted to run commands sequentially.

If you’re reading this post on azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional, then the post will automatically refresh otherwise check Git Command Line Snippets for new posts.

Continue reading “Git Command Line Snippets: Series Index”

Bug With End Of Month Payment Terms in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was onsite with a client recently and was asked about a problem they were seeing with payment terms. Specifically, the issue was with end of month payment terms where the due date was sometimes being calculated incorrectly. They’d done some testing and identified that it was when the invoice date was the last day of the month that the due date ws incorrect.

I did some testing in Fabrikam and have been able to reproduce this error on all versions of Dynamics GP which I tried.

To reproduce, set a payment term configured with Due set to EOM and Add Days to 30:

Payment Terms Setup of an EOM payment term

Continue reading “Bug With End Of Month Payment Terms in Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Integration Manager Error – “Source Recordset ‘1’ not found’

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was talking to a client on a Teams meeting a while ago and they took the opportunity to ask about a problem they were having with Integration Manager.

When they tried to run a n integration to import Payables Transactions they were receiving an error:

Error message

Integration Manager

The integration cannot be run because of the following problem(s):

- Source Recordset '1' not found - used for Record Source option on collection 'Tax Details'.

The resolution to this is as straightforward as the cause is annoying. Sometimes when you make a change in one part of an integration, a configuration in another part disappears. In this case the Record Source on the options tab of the Tax Details node had been erased. Simply setting the option back to the correct source and saving the integration will fix the issue:

Tax Details node Options

SmartConnect Crashes When Trying to Run Integration into Microsoft Dynamics GP

eOne SolutionsI dealt with a support issue for a client recently where they were reporting that one user could integrate into all but two companies in Microsoft Dynamics GP, but other users couldn’t integrate into any.

The problem is that when they tried an integration which failed, SmartConnect simply crashed with nothing in any error logs in either SmartConnect or Windows.

As it was working in some databases and not others for one user and not at all for other users, it had to be permissions. The user who could use SmartConnect was the one involved in the implementation and the companies he could use it in were the oldest; the two companies which failed were the newest.

We did some checking and found that the user who could run some integrations had his domain account created as a SQL login and had been granted the DYNGRP security role on the company databases; he had not been added to the companies which failed. When we added the security for these databases the integration ran successfully.

We recommended to the client that instead of adding individual users to SQL Server and giving them access to databases they consider creating some AD security groups which had access assigned and they could then grant those roles to users as required.

Recent ISC Software Webinar: A Macro Overview for Microsoft Dynamics GP

ISC Software SolutionsIn our most recent webinar, we took a look at A Macro Overview for Microsoft Dynamics GP. In this webinar, we took a look at what Microsoft Dynamics GP macros are, how they can be used and ran through some examples. If you want to catch up on this, or any other, webinar, you can do so here.

A Macro Overview for Microsoft Dynamics GP

  1. Introduction
  2. What are macros and how to use them
  3. Pitfalls
  4. Recording and Playing Macros
  5. Macro by Mail Merge
  6. Macro by Excel
  7. Macro by SQL
  8. Conclusion

Introduction ^

in this webinar we took a look at macros in Microsoft Dynamics GP, giving an overview of what they are how they can be used and ran through some examples of how they could be used.

I have previously blogged about macros in Dynamics GP and the webinar was along similar lines, albeit using different examples.

Continue reading “Recent ISC Software Webinar: A Macro Overview for Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Implementing SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Review

eOne SolutionsThis post is part of the Implementing SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP series were I am taking a look at the SmartView product from eOne Solutions which provides another way of using SmartLists.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve used SmartView myself; I tend to either use SmartList or directly query the database. I’ve done a lot with SmartList Builder, creating many SmartLists over the years.

I’ve had a few clients use SmartView but many decided the extra cost of the module wasn’t worth the functionality. With the change to the licensing where SmartView comes packaged with SmartList Builder and Popdock under the new subscription licensing, I’ve had a couple of clients take a look at it and decide to implement the module.

In one case, simply because it is now included they’ll have a look and see how they get on with it. In the other case, they’d only had Dynamics GP implemented last year and were using SmartList Builder. When I told them they now had access to SmartView as well and explained the functionality, they were very keen; especially the SmartView external component as it allows them to use one SmartList object for users who both are and aren’t Dynamics GP users. This means they can avoid creating two separate reports and potentially two versions of the truth.

By having the same SmartList object accessible to both types of user they can be sure that they are all seeing the same data.

I think it is worth having a discussion with other users too as I think that many people will have more of an interest in this module with the changes to the licencing. And even without that change, I think it is worth taking a look at for the additional flexibility that SmartView brings over standard SmartLists.

Feature The SmartView advantage
Speed SmartView provides the solution for anyone that has ever waited impatiently for a SmartList to refresh. For example, if you run the Sales Line item list in SmartList, it would take 2.5 minutes to return 4259 rows. If you use SmartView you get the exact same data returned in 7 seconds!
Excel Cut and Paste selected records directly from SmartView to Excel, Word or an email.
Full Screen Use every bit of your screen to view our data. No more white spaces!
Unlimited Filters There is no limit at all on the number of filters you can have. You can mix and match AND’s and OR’s to get exactly what you are looking for.
Single Screen Eliminate up to 7 mouse clicks, by having everything on one screen.
Group Group your data by any field, by a simple drag and drop function. It’s like creating your own reports on the fly.
Sub Total When you group you will receive auto subtotaling of all you data. So group by customer to see totals by customer.
Sort Sort how you please, even by a number of columns simultaneously.
GoTo’s All the goto’s from SmartLists and SmartList Builder are available to make navigation into Microsoft Dynamics GP a breeze.
Export Export your lists to PDF, Excel or CSV. SV has been timed at being 10 times faster than a SmartList export.
Multiple Instances Open multiple instances of SmartView to let you multi task and look at multiple lists simultaneously.
Columns Add, remove and reorder columns by simply dragging and dropping where you’d like them to go.
Restrictions Only see the data you need, when you need it.
Favorites Create the view you go back to most and save it as a favorite. You can even share that with your team.
Searching Searching across all your data or by column.