This post is part of the series on PowerShell Snippets.
The following PowerShell command will execute curl passing in the authorization token and json parameters defined above the curl statement.
The main difference between this and curl on a normal command line is that you need to do curl.exe
which is a built in alias for the Invoke-WebRequest
$ghAuthorizationToken = "ghp_authorizationtoken"
$ghUser = "username"
$ghRepo = "repository name"
$json = "
{ \`"tag_name\`": \`"$ghTag\`", \`"target_commitish\`": \`"main\`", \`"name\`": \`"$ghTag\`", \`"body\`": \`"$ghTag release\`", \`"draft\`" :false, \`"prerelease\`": false, \`"generate_release_notes\`": false }
curl.exe -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: token $ghAuthorizationToken"$ghUser/$ghRepo/releases -d "$json"
The variables at the top need to be changed to those for your GitHub account and repository.