Implementing SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Series Index

eOne SolutionsSmartView is an add on from eOne Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics GP which provides another way to use SmartLists; it will work with standard SmartList objects as well as those created with SmartList Designer and SmartList Builder.

I have previously done a post explaining who eOne Solutions are, so I’ll not cover that again. I’m quite a big fan of eOne Solutions’ products and have previously blogged about implementing SmartConnect and SmartList Builder.

Over the course of this short series, I will be going through the steps necessary to implement SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The index below will update as each post goes live if you are reading directly here (if you’re reading on a syndicated version, you will need to check back to the original post).

Implementing SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP
What is SmartView?
Download SmartView
Install SmartView
Configure SmartView
Access SmartView
Download SmartView External
Installing SmartView External
Configure Users for SmartView External
Accessing SmartView External

Updated 21/7/2022 after comment from Nicole Albertson of eOne Solutions

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Looking for support or consultancy with Microsoft Dynamics GP?

I no longer work with Microsoft Dynamics GP, but the last company I worked for was ISC Software in the UK; if you’re looking for support or consultancy services with Microsoft Dynamics GP you can contact them here.

2 thoughts on “Implementing SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Series Index

  1. I just wanted to post a clarification on SmartView and SmartList Designer. By default SmartList Designer lists do not work in SmartView. The only way you would get them into SmartView would be if you had SmartList Builder. There is a feature in SmartList Builder that will upgrade lists from SmartList Designer to SmartList Builder. Once they are converted to SmartList Builder, then the lists would work in SmartView.

    1. Ian Grieve says:

      Hi Nicole,

      Thanks for correcting me on the SmartList Designer objects not being included. It seems that one of the ones I thought was a SmartList Designer object was in fact a SmartList Builder one which is why it showed.

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