When I do an upgrade of the Web Services For Microsoft Dynamics GP, my usual approach is to ru a two Microsoft supplied scripts which remove all web services objects from the system and company databases; I generally do this as we had problems with the upgrade process within the Configuration Wizard. On a recent upgrade I thought I would give the standard upgrade process aother try, as it is a few years since I last tried it.
When the Configuration Wizard was in progress, it stopped with the below error message:

A loader exception has occurred.
Loader Errors:
- Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.InvalidWindowsAccountException: The provided windows account is not formatted correctly.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.ConcreteValidator.ValidateAndCanonicalizeMemberName(String member)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.ConcreteValidator.ValidateAndCanonicalizeMemberList(List`1 memberList)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.AzManRoleAssignmentServiceImplementation.ValidateForUpdate(SecurityContext context, SecurityObject securityObject)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.SecurityService.InvokeValidateForUpdate(SecurityContext context, SecurityObject updatedObject)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Security.SecurityService.Update(SecurityContext context, SecurityObject updatedObject)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.GPSecurityMetadataSystemLoader.PerformSpecialConfigTasksForAdminUsers(Action action)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.InstallData.Loader.Process(String[] args)
The user account being used was the user account the Web Services had been running under since the last upgrade. I reverted back to running the scripts to remove the web services and then doing a fresh deployment of them. It looks like I will be sticking with this approach going forward.
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