Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Remove Carbon Copy Email in Workflow Maintenance

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Remove Carbon Copy email in Workflow Maintenance System enhancement.

In workflow notifications, you can setup carbon copy emails for each of the notifications. The difficulty was previously, you couldn’t edit those carbon copy emails. With this new enhancement, you can delete the carbon copy emails with the delete option added to the line. This will delete all the carbon copy emails, so you can ensure the right individuals are receiving notifications.

Workflow Email Notification Maintenance

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: SafePay — Display Employee Name From Check

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the SafePay — Display employee name from Check Payroll enhancement.

SafePay is the process that creates a file that can be sent to the bank to indicate what checks were written, when they were written and who they were written to. This enables the bank to verify any checks that are presented for payment against the business records. In Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Microsoft now include the name of the employee from the payroll check as it is stored in check history instead of Employee maintenance.

Employee Maintenance

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: SafePay — Display Employee Name From Check”

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Sales Inquiry GoTo

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Sales Inquiry GoTo Financial enhancement.

In the Sales Order Processing Document Inquiry window, today, the default action on the zoom for the transaction is to navigate the user to the associated Inquiry window for the document that is selected in the window. This new enhancement, has added a GoTo drop down to the Sales Documents and Sales Document Range Inquiry to allow the user to choose to where to navigate.

Sales Order Processing Document Enquiry

I think this addition will be quite popular with clients; it’s always seemed a little odd that you couldn’t drill from the document inquiry to the entry window.

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Workflow Approvers Count

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Workflow Approvers Count System enhancement.

An option has been added to the workflow completion policy in the Workflow Maintenance window (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Workflow » Workflow Maintenance), allowing you to set a Number of Approvers with a count instead of the existing options for only one response, majority or all must approve.

For this completion option, when the number of approvals replied has reached this count, then the workflow step will be marked as complete and will be sent to the next step in the workflow.

Workflow Maintenance

This is a good addition to workflow which gives a good level of control over the number of approvals needed.

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Save Settings for All in One Viewer

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Save Settings for All in One Viewer Financial enhancement.

Microsoft have added the functionality to save the filter and preference settings for the All In One View windows on a per user basis when they log out of Dynamics GP and log back in.

Purchasing All-in-One-View

Previously, if they logged out, those settings were discarded and the user had to set the parameters again when they enter the All In One View window. The settings are automatically saved when the user closes Dynamics GP.

I’m actually split on what I think about this enhancement. While I can see it sometimes being beneficial to remember the settings, having the window working to a basic set of defaults whenever opened for the first time, can also be beneficial.

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Default Email on form 1096

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Default Email on form 1096 Financial enhancement.

For Dynamics GP Fall 2021, we have adjusted the functionality for the Payables Form 1096. Now, the email address on the Print 1099 window will default from the Internet address information setup on the company address ID.

Print 1099

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Default Email on form 1096”

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Add Autopost for Workflow Batches

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Add Autopost for Workflow Batches System enhancement.

With this enhancement, you can now automatically post Workflow Approval batches when the workflow approval is complete. This is a new option in Workflow Maintenance for the specific workflow and can be marked for General Ledger Batch Workflow, Receivables Batch Workflow and Payables Batch Workflow.

When this is selected and the final step of the workflow is completed setting the workflow to complete status, the batch will automatically be sent to post. Workflow history will be updated with the posting step.

Workflow Maintenance

note Note

Automatic posting will only process when approving the Workflow through the user interface at release. Additional functionality to automatically post the batch when approving through Workflow Email links will be coming in a future update. You can still enable this automatic post option and approve workflows via email links without error, they will not automatically post just like previous versions.

I think this is a very good enhancement to Workflow, but it’s a shame that this version will only work through the user interface and not when approved via email.

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Save Payroll Transaction Entry Defaults

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Save Payroll Transaction Entry Defaults Payroll enhancement.

In US Payroll Transaction entry, there are transaction defaults at the header that will then default when adding additional lines in the scrolling window. Previously, those settings weren’t saved once you closed Payroll Transaction Entry. In Dynamics GP October 2021, the Transaction Defaults will be saved with the batch and display the next time you enter Payroll Transaction Entry and select a batch. This should help with entering payroll transactions and reduce the mistakes with the defaults being consistently used.

Payroll Transaction Entry

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Mask Social Security Number on W-2

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Mask Social Security Number on W-2 Human Resources enhancement.

Microsoft have added the ability to optionally mask the Social Security Numbers for the employees when printing W-2’s. This is a new checkbox on the Print W-2 Forms window that is available when you choose to print W-2 forms in the print selection box.

Print W-2 Forms

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Mask Social Security Number on W-2”

ClassicPress Petitions – Let Your Voice Be Heard

ClassicPressOne of the things I like about ClassicPress is that, unlike with WordPress, the community can provide feedback which guides the development. This is done via petitions which the community can create, vote for and comment upon.

There have been changes to how petitions are managed, which Viktor Nagornyy discusses on the ClassicPress blog, Petitions Update — Let Your Voice Be Heard; this change was driven by a change in the software used for petitions.

If you’re using ClassicPress and want to help guide development, visit the petitions forum and create, vote or comment on a petition.

Victor’s post has full details of how the petitions process works.