During Upgrade Company Locked In Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did an upgrade for a client recently which encountered a problem in one company and crashed; when resuming the upgrade, the Upgrade these companies? step showed a lock against the company which had encountered the problem:

Upgrade these companies?

It’s a while since I encountered this and I had to look up how to remove the lock; it’s quite simple to do with a small SQL script. To remove the lock, run the below in SSMS against the system database (typically named DYNAMICS):


“The selected company is not configured as a company of the current Microsoft Dynamics GP system database” Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe been doing a lot of work with a client recently to split their US and UK based systems. The original scope involved implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP for a new company based in the UK; the databases were originally created on the US system and then split off by copying the company database and the system database onto a UK based SQL Server.

Along with the client, we did some tidying up of the system, such as removing US users and also ran the clear company script to remove all references to the databases which weren’t being brought across.

A few months later after the new company had gone live, we needed to migrate the other UK databases across to the UK server. We did this by creating new companies, entering the company settings (which are stored in the system database) and restoring the databases from the US server over the top of the blank ones.

When logging into Dynamics GP and selecting one of the companies being migrated over, the following error was produced:

Error message

Microsoft Dynamics GP

The selected company is not configured as a company of the current Microsoft Dynamics GP system database. You must resolve the database configuration to log into the company.

The issue lay with the System Database Name (SY00100) table which has two key columns; DBNAME which stores the name of the system database and is usually the cause of problems with this table when someone runs an old copy of the live to test copy script and the CMPANYID column which stores the id of the company; this is a sequential number unique to each company and assigned when it is created.

We had deleted the original references to the companies on the new server and created new ones, which meant a new CMPANYID had been assigned in the SY001500 table. Once SY00100 was updated, we were able to log in and use the company without further problem.

Upcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP Webinars from ISC Software

ISC Software SolutionsEvery month at ISC Software I present a webinar on Microsoft Dynamics GP and related products. We typically have the next three upcoming monthly webinars I’ll be delivering scheduled.

We run these webinars on a monthly basis, with occasional extra webinars added to the schedule so it is worth checking the Webinar Schedule page every so often.

The upcoming webinars are:

SmartList Tips and Tricks
In November is SmartList Tips and Tricks; Learn from an experienced consultant who will demonstrate some tips and tricks which will allow you to get the most benefit from SmartList.​​

Tue, November 16th, 2021 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Register Here

Dynamics GP - Year End Best Practice
In December is Dynamics GP – Year End Best Practice; Review best practices for performing a year-end close in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Tue, December 14th, 2021 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Watch while an experienced consultant shows you some tips and tricks to improve your use of Dynamics GP using standard functions and features available now.

Register Here

Dynamics GP​ - What's New in Fall 2021 Release
In January is Dynamics GP – What’s New in Fall 2021 Release​; see the new enhancements and new features available in the new Fall 2021 Release of Microsoft Dynamics GP​​.

Tue, January 18th, 2022 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Register Here

Error in Microsoft Dynamics GP When Purchasing Requisitions

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did some work recently to assist a client to upgrade Microsoft Dynamics GP to the latest version on an isolated test system. They had previously had the Reporting Services and refreshable Excel reports deployed, but weren’t sure if they were being used.

When we did the upgrade we did not deploy the new versions of the reports while we awaited a decision from the end users as to whether any of the reports were used and therefore needed to be deployed.

While we were waiting users progressed with the user acceptance testing. We had an error raised when a user tried to purchase a requisition and create a purchase order:

Error message

The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found

The issue here is that when purchasing a requisition, there is a prompt displayed (which can be turned off) which allows the user to see a navigation list showing the new purchase order. In this instance, the user had clicked Yes which opened the navigation list which is when the error appeared.

The error is because the isolated test system cannot see the live SSRS server at which it was still pointing; the 404 error can be avoided by either setting the SSRS reports as not deployed or changing the server and deploying to the test system.

“The transaction amount is not fully distributed” Error in Integration Manager

Microsoft Dynamics GPI helped a client create a bank transaction integration in Integration Manager the other day. It’s been a while since I created an integration like this, so we created it as I would a general ledger integration with a header and distribution file with two distributions for each transaction. However, when we ran the integration, we received this error message:

Integration Manager error log

The transaction amount is not fully distributed

I had forgotten that bank transactions can only have one of the distributions can be mapped (this is covered in a knowledge base article from Microsoft.

This integration was only for creating increase adjustment transactions, so we amended the integration so that only the Debit Amount destination field was mapped. After making this change, the integration ran successfully.

“You do not have authorization to post bank transactions” Error in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client reported an issue recently whereby they could not post bank trasactions. This had previously been working, but had recently become a probkem. When trying to post, they received this error message:

Error message

Microsoft Dynamics GP

You do not have authorization to post bank transactions.

Continue reading ““You do not have authorization to post bank transactions” Error in Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Error When Trying to Change User Password in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe’ve been implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP for a client recently. After creating some new user accounts, I was sending details to the users, when I realised that I couldn’t remember the password structure (I’d been distracted onto another project between creating the accounts and sending the email).

I went back into the User Setup window (Administration area page » Setup » System » User) and changed the password; however, when clicking Save:

Error message

Microsoft Dynamics GP

Your change has violated a server policy. Contact your system administrator for more information.

I’ve reset passwords before which I have just set, so the error was somewhat puzzling. It took only a few minutes before realising that the problem was the Enforce Password Policy and Change Password Next Login checkboxes were marked.

I had a final stab at the password structure for these accounts and fortunately got it right, so I was able to email the users. The alternative would have been to delete and recreate the user accounts (which would have also required access and security roles to be assigned).

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Default 1099 to Single Feed

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Default 1099 to Single Feed Financial enhancement.

For ease of use, often the option that defaults is best to be the one that people use most often. We have responded to that need throughout the years and this feature is one of those. In the Dynamics GP Fall 2021 release for Payables Print 1099, we default the form type to Single Feed instead of continuous.

The goal is to reduce the number of clicks and make it easier to navigate the windows.

Print 1099 Form

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Copy Payroll Transactions from Excel

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Copy Payroll Transactions from Excel Payroll enhancement.

Many people use alternate methods to track hours for employees. Because of this, in Dynamics GP Fall 2021 we have added the ability to paste US Payroll transactions from Microsoft Excel directly into Payroll Transaction Entry.

A paste action item has been added to the ribbon in Payroll Transaction Entry. When you are entering a new batch you copy the transactions in Excel, then select the Paste action in Transaction Entry. This will create the transactions in the batch. The paste action is only available with an empty batch.

During the paste, the system will create each line and default existing information from Payroll for fields that are not included in Excel. A validation report will print and display any errors found prior to pasting the transactions. If there are any validation errors, the paste process will not complete and no transactions will be added to the payroll batch.

This will help you add transactions more quickly and accurately into Payroll Transaction Entry to complete the payroll processes.

Copy from Excel

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Copy Payroll Transactions from Excel”

Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Project Code Modifier

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Project Code Modifier Project Accounting enhancement.

In Dynamics GP Fall 2021 you now can update the following Project fields:

  • Contract Number
  • Contract ID
  • Project Number
  • Project ID
  • Cost Category ID

Once you select the code type, you can enter or select from the lookup an existing Old Code and then type in the New Code you want to replace it with.

Project Code Modifier

This update will require you to enter a completely New Code, you cannot enter an existing code to combine two codes.

A Code Modification report will be printed which tells you what was changed and where it was changed once you select the Update action button.

Project Code Modifier
Code Modification Report