ClassicPress Plugin Development: Series Index

ClassicPress PluginsI started developing plugins for WordPress almost eight years ago and moved to ClassicPress just over two years ago; I now have 47 plugins available for ClassicPress.

I am creating this series to show how certain aspects of development for ClassicPress plugins are done, partly to benefit others who take up developing for ClassicPress but also as a quick reference for myself including detailed examples.

This series index will automatically update to show new posts as they are published:

ClassicPress Plugin Development
Coding Paradigms
Semantic Versioning 2.0
Coding Standards
To Use Namepsaces or Not
Using Namespaces
Structure of a Plugin
Format of a Plugin readme.txt
Format of a Plugin Header
Add an index.php to Every Folder
Develop for Translation
Develop for Accessibility
Create a Plugin Update Server Using Code Potent's Update Manager
Integrating Code Potent's Update Manager into a Plugin
Create a Plugin Update Endpoint Using Code Potent's Update Manager
Create a Custom Image Path and URL for Code Potent's Update Manager
Loading Front-End Stylesheets
Loading Back-End Stylesheets
Loading Front-End Scripts
Loading Back-End Scripts
Best Practice for Loading Styles and Scripts
Create a Plugin Action Link
Add Plugin Options Page to Settings Main Menu
Add Plugin Options Page to Security Main Menu
Create Custom Top Level Menu
Create Submenu on Custom Top Level Menu
Create Custom Post Type
Create Submenu for a Custom Post Type
Rename First Sublevel Menu of a Custom Top Level Menu
Load and Save Options
Load Options with Defaults
Load Multilevel Options with Defaults
Get Options Page Title
Create an Options Page
Save an Options Page

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Conclusion

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of a series on creating a simple audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

As I’ve shown over the last few posts, it is relatively easy to create a simple audit on a table in Dynamics GP, but this approach is not very scalable and requires someone to manually create the SQL triggers. For a client on a shoestring budget and who wanted to audit one table, this approach sufficed.

However, for a larger client who would want to audit more tables in more than one company and who would want to have non-technical users maintaining the audited information, I would recommend a solution like Assure Suite from Fastpath which I have implemented with a umber of clients previously.

What brought this approach to mind was a client had an issue with some incorrect data and we could not determine who or what was changing some data, so I amended this custom audit for the tables we needed to record for that issue. In this instance, there was no need for a full audit solution as it will only be in place temporarily while investigating a specific issue.

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: SQL View for Reporting

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of a series on creating a simple audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Once the audit table and triggers have been deployed, any changes made through the audit will be recorded and available for reviewing later to see who has been making changes and, more significantly, what was changed.

The easiest way of making this available to the client was to create a SmartList for them using SmartList Designer to select data from the new custom audit table. SmartList Designer can see either Dexterity tables or SQL views, but not custom SQL tables, I created a SQL view on the custom audit table, joining it to the Users Master (SY01400) table in the DYNAMICS table to get the username:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE VIEW uv_AZRCRV_Audit AS SELECT ['Audit'].RecordType AS 'Record Type' ,['Audit'].RecordID AS 'Record ID' ,['Audit'].UpdateType AS 'Update Type' ,['Audit'].USERID AS 'User ID' ,['User Master'].Username AS 'Username' ,FORMAT(['Audit'].ChangeDateTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS 'Change Date' ,FORMAT(['Audit'].ChangeDateTime, 'HH:ss') AS 'Change Time' ,['Audit'].OldData AS 'Old Data' ,['Audit'].NewData AS 'New Data' FROM ut_AZRCRV_Audit ['Audit'] LEFT JOIN DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['User Master'] ON ['User Master'].USERID = ['Audit'].USERID GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_Audit TO DYNGRP GO

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Create Triggers

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of a series on creating a simple audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

With the table created to store the audited information, the second step is to create the required triggers on the Address Electronic Funds Transfer Master (SY06000) table. For an Vendor EFT audit there are three triggers required:


These triggers will record all new Vendor EFT information added as well as that which is amended or deleted. The client for which this audit was created only dealt with vendors in the UK and only ever set three fields in the EFT Bank window:

  1. Bank Name
  2. EFT Bank Code
  3. EFT Bank Account

Additional fields can be added to the audit if other fields need to be stored.

As the Address Electronic Funds Transfer Master (SY06000) table holds EFT Bank information for customers as well as vendors, the Record ID has been set to include the Series. Strictly speaking, this was not necessary as the client did not store bank details for their customers in Dynamics GP as none were making direct debit payments.

The audited data is being trimmed and cast as varchar so the extra whitespace held by Dynamics GP due to the columns being chars are removed.

The first trigger creates the trigger which runs when data is inserted:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE TRIGGER utr_AZRCRV_SY06000_AuditInsert ON SY06000 AFTER INSERT AS INSERT INTO ut_AZRCRV_Audit --VALUES SELECT 'Vendor EFT' ,CAST(i.SERIES AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' | ' + CAST(RTRIM(i.CustomerVendor_ID) AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' | ' + CAST(RTRIM(i.ADRSCODE) AS VARCHAR(100)) ,'Insert' ,SYSTEM_USER ,GETDATE_USER() ,'' ,'BANKNAME = ' + CAST(RTRIM(i.BANKNAME) AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' | ' + 'EFTBankCode = ' + CAST(RTRIM(i.EFTBankCode) AS VARCHAR(100)) + ' | ' + 'EFTBankAcct = ' + CAST(RTRIM(i.EFTBankAcct) AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM inserted i GO

Continue reading “Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Create Triggers”

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Create Table

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of a series on creating a simple audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The first step in creating the audit is to create a table in the company database to hold the audited information. From the user point of view there was five pieces of information required:

  1. Key for the vendor EFT being amended
  2. User ID
  3. Date/Time
  4. Old Data
  5. New Data

To make reporting easier and to add an element of future proofing, I also added two other pieces of information:

  1. Record Type to record the type of information being audit; in this case Vendor EFT.
  2. UpdateType to explicitly record whether the change was an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE

The following SQL will create a table with the table with the seven columns mentioned above:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE TABLE ut_AZRCRV_Audit ( RecordType VARCHAR(100) ,RecordID VARCHAR(100) ,UpdateType VARCHAR(10) ,USERID VARCHAR(150) ,ChangeDateTime DATETIME ,OldData NVARCHAR(MAX) ,NewData NVARCHAR(MAX) ) GO

Upcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP Webinars from ISC Software

ISC Software SolutionsEvery month at ISC Software I present a webinar on Microsoft Dynamics GP and related products. We typically have the next three upcoming monthly webinars I’ll be delivering scheduled.

We run these webinars on a monthly basis, with occasional extra webinars added to the schedule so it is worth checking the Webinar Schedule page every so often.

The upcoming webinars are:

Controls and Security in Microsoft Dynamics GP
In March is Controls and Security in Microsoft Dynamics GP; see how to improve controls and security in Dynamics GP using a mix of standard and third party functionality..

Tue, March 16th, 2021 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Register Here

Powerful Document Generation for Dynamics GP
In April is Powerful Document Generation for Dynamics GP; watch in this webinar with a live dox42 demo and we will show you how to design attractive document templates in MS Office and integrate data from MS Dynamics GP and many other data sources such as Microsoft 365, SharePoint or SAP.

Tue, April 20th, 2021 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Register Here

Controls and Security in Microsoft Dynamics GP
In May is Controls and Security in Microsoft Dynamics GP; Discover how Business Intelligence can improve visibility and help you make better, more timely, decisions..

Tue, May 18th, 2021 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM BST

Register Here

azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Check Plugin Status

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is a brand new one written for ClassicPress; Check Plugin Status.


This plugin allows you to check the status of plugins on your site:
* Are they in the WordPress Repository.
* Do they use a 3rd party update mechanism such as Update Manager from Code Potent.
* Are they supported on ClassicPress or on WordPress 5+.
* Are they up-to-date.

Exception handling has been built in for Contact Form 7 and Google Sitemap Generator which report a different slug in the API to the slug on the Wordpress Repository.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

Click to show/hide the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins Series Index

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Introduction

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of a series on creating a simple audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

I created a simple audit a while ago when a client had a requiremnet to audit the change of EFT details onvendors, but did not have sufficient budget for a full audit product like the Assure Suite from Fastpath. This is not to say that the Assure Suite is expenseive, but the client in question was a very small client with only two users of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The requirement for the original user was very simple; an audit on changes to vendor EFT in the single company they had in Dynamics GP.

Many of the audit tools available for Dynamics GP work by creating triggers in the database, and this is the same approach I took. The first step in creating the audit was to create a table to hold the audit table, then to create the triggers on the table to be audited and then to provide a method of reporting for users to use.

Over the course of this series, each of these steps will be covered.

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPI created a simple audit a while ago when a client had a requirement to audit the change of EFT details on vendors, but did not have sufficient budget for a full audit product like the Assure Suite from Fastpath. This is not to say that the Assure Suite is expensive, but the client in question was a very small client with only two users of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

In this series of posts, I will step through the process of creating the custom audit, using the vendor EFT one as the example. The index, below, will automatically update as the posts are published, unless you’re reading the post via syndication in which case check the original post.

Simple Audit for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Create Table
Create Triggers
Create Triggers for Audit of Customer Items
SQL View for Reporting

Receivables HATB With Aging By Due Date (using GL Posting Date)

Microsoft Dynamics GPToday’s script, like yesterdays, is an unusual one for me to post, as it is not a script which I have written; it is a script which returns the data for a Receivables HATB With Aging By Due Date (using GL Posting). It was written by Sivakumar Venkataramanback in 2011 and came up in conversation recently; the site he posted it to no longer exists and I had to hunt the script out from the wayback machine to retrieve a copy.

The script is below is Siva’s script which I am reposting “as is” as it may be useful to others.

Created July 21, 2011 by Sivakumar Venkataraman - Interdyn AKA
This view is for the Receivables HATB for aging by due date and
picking transactions using the GL Posting Date.
Tables used:
 - RM Open File Debit Copy (RM20101)
 - RM History File (RM30101)
 - RM Apply Open File (RM20201)
 - RM Apply History File (RM30201)
 - Document Type Setup File (RM40401)
 - RM Period Setup (RM40201)
 Revision History
 No	 Date		Reason for Change
 1	 12/12/2017	Updated the logic for due date for credits
SET @EMPTYDATE = '1900-01-01'
SET @ASOFDATE = '2017-04-12' 
        W.DOCNUMBR ,
        W.DOCDATE ,
        W.TRXSORCE ,
        W.DUEDATE ,
                    X.RMDTYPAL ,
                    X.DOCNUMBR ,
                    X.DOCDATE ,
                    X.TRXSORCE ,
                    X.VOIDED ,
                    X.GLPOSTDT ,
                    X.DUEDATE ,
                    X.DAYSDUE ,
                    CASE WHEN X.DAYSDUE > 999 THEN ( SELECT TOP 1
                                                     FROM   dbo.RM40201
                                                     ORDER BY RMPEREND DESC
                         WHEN X.DAYSDUE < 0 THEN 'Not Due'
                         ELSE ISNULL(( SELECT TOP 1
                                       FROM     dbo.RM40201 AG
                                       WHERE    X.DAYSDUE <= AG.RMPEREND
                                       ORDER BY RMPEREND
                                     ), '')
                    END AS AGINGBUCKET ,
                    X.VOIDPDATE ,
                    X.DOCUMENTAMT ,
                    X.APPLIEDAMT ,
                    X.WRITEOFFAMT ,
                    X.DISCTAKENAMT ,
                    X.REALGAINLOSSAMT ,
                    CASE WHEN X.RMDTYPAL < 6
                    END AS CURTRXAMT
          FROM      ( SELECT    Z.CUSTNMBR ,
                                Z.RMDTYPAL ,
                                Z.DOCDATE ,
                                Z.DOCNUMBR ,
                                Z.ORTRXAMT AS DOCUMENTAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.APPLDAMT)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     WHEN RMDTYPAL > 6
                                          AND RMDTYPAL <= 9
                                     THEN ISNULL(( SELECT   SUM(Y.APPLDAMT)
                                                   FROM     ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT ,
                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                        APPTOAMT ,
                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                            ) Y
                                                   WHERE    Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                            AND Y.APFRDCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                            AND Y.APFRDCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                 ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS APPLIEDAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.WROFAMNT)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS WRITEOFFAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.DISTKNAM)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS DISCTAKENAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL > 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.RLGANLOS)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        ApplyToGLPostDate ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        ApplyToGLPostDate ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APFRDCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APFRDCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS REALGAINLOSSAMT ,
                                Z.TRXSORCE ,
                                Z.VOIDED ,
                                Z.GLPOSTDT ,
                                Z.DUEDATE ,
                                DATEDIFF(dd, Z.DUEDATE, @ASOFDATE) AS DAYSDUE ,
                      FROM      ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                            RMDTYPAL ,
                                            DOCDATE ,
                                            DOCNUMBR ,
                                            ORTRXAMT ,
                                            BACHNUMB ,
                                            TRXSORCE ,
                                            BCHSOURC ,
                                            DISCDATE ,
                                            VOIDSTTS AS VOIDED ,
                                            GLPOSTDT ,
                                            CASE WHEN DUEDATE = @EMPTYDATE THEN DOCDATE
                                                 ELSE [DUEDATE]
                                            END AS DUEDATE ,
                                            VOIDDATE AS VOIDPDATE
                                  FROM      dbo.RM20101
                                  SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                            RMDTYPAL ,
                                            DOCDATE ,
                                            DOCNUMBR ,
                                            ORTRXAMT ,
                                            BACHNUMB ,
                                            TRXSORCE ,
                                            BCHSOURC ,
                                            DISCDATE ,
                                            VOIDSTTS AS VOIDED ,
                                            GLPOSTDT ,
                                            CASE WHEN DUEDATE = @EMPTYDATE THEN DOCDATE
                                                 ELSE [DUEDATE]
                                            END AS DUEDATE ,
                                            VOIDDATE AS VOIDPDATE
                                  FROM      dbo.RM30101
                                ) Z
                      WHERE     Z.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                AND Z.VOIDED = 0
                                AND Z.RMDTYPAL <> 6
                    ) X
          UNION ALL
          SELECT    X.CUSTNMBR ,
                    X.RMDTYPAL ,
                    X.DOCNUMBR ,
                    X.DOCDATE ,
                    X.TRXSORCE ,
                    X.VOIDED ,
                    X.PSTGDATE ,
                    X.DUEDATE ,
                    X.DAYSDUE ,
                    CASE WHEN X.DAYSDUE > 999 THEN ( SELECT TOP 1
                                                     FROM   dbo.RM40201
                                                     ORDER BY RMPEREND DESC
                         WHEN X.DAYSDUE < 0 THEN 'Not Due'
                         ELSE ISNULL(( SELECT TOP 1
                                       FROM     dbo.RM40201 AG
                                       WHERE    X.DAYSDUE <= AG.RMPEREND
                                       ORDER BY RMPEREND
                                     ), '')
                    END AS AGINGBUCKET ,
                    X.VOIDPDATE ,
                    X.DOCUMENTAMT ,
                    X.APPLIEDAMT ,
                    X.WRITEOFFAMT ,
                    X.DISCTAKENAMT ,
                    X.REALGAINLOSSAMT ,
                    CASE WHEN X.RMDTYPAL < 6
                    END AS CURTRXAMT
          FROM      ( SELECT    Z.CUSTNMBR ,
                                Z.RMDTYPAL ,
                                Z.DOCDATE ,
                                Z.DOCNUMBR ,
                                Z.ORTRXAMT AS DOCUMENTAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.APPLDAMT)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     WHEN RMDTYPAL > 6
                                          AND RMDTYPAL <= 9
                                     THEN ISNULL(( SELECT   SUM(Y.APPLDAMT)
                                                   FROM     ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                        APPTOAMT AS APPLDAMT ,
                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                        APPTOAMT ,
                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                            ) Y
                                                   WHERE    Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                            AND Y.APFRDCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                            AND Y.APFRDCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                 ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS APPLIEDAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.WROFAMNT)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS WRITEOFFAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL < 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.DISTKNAM)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        ApplyFromGLPostDate ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyFromGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APTODCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS DISCTAKENAMT ,
                                CASE WHEN RMDTYPAL > 6 THEN ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Y.RLGANLOS)
                                                                     FROM   ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        ApplyToGLPostDate ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM20201
                                                                              WHERE     POSTED = 1
                                                                                        AND APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                              SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                                                                        GLPOSTDT ,
                                                                                        APFRDCNM ,
                                                                                        APFRDCTY ,
                                                                                        APTODCNM ,
                                                                                        APTODCTY ,
                                                                                        ApplyToGLPostDate ,
                                                                              FROM      dbo.RM30201
                                                                              WHERE     APTODCTY <> 6
                                                                            ) Y
                                                                     WHERE  Y.GLPOSTDT <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <= @ASOFDATE
                                                                            AND Y.ApplyToGLPostDate <> @EMPTYDATE
                                                                            AND Y.CUSTNMBR = Z.CUSTNMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APFRDCNM = Z.DOCNUMBR
                                                                            AND Y.APFRDCTY = Z.RMDTYPAL
                                                                   ), 0)
                                     ELSE 0
                                END AS REALGAINLOSSAMT ,
                                Z.TRXSORCE ,
                                Z.VOIDED ,
                                Z.PSTGDATE ,
                                Z.DUEDATE ,
                                DATEDIFF(dd, Z.DUEDATE, @ASOFDATE) AS DAYSDUE ,
                      FROM      ( SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                            RMDTYPAL ,
                                            DOCDATE ,
                                            DOCNUMBR ,
                                            ORTRXAMT ,
                                            BACHNUMB ,
                                            TRXSORCE ,
                                            BCHSOURC ,
                                            DISCDATE ,
                                            VOIDSTTS AS VOIDED ,
                                            GLPOSTDT AS PSTGDATE ,
                                            CASE WHEN DUEDATE = @EMPTYDATE THEN DOCDATE
                                                 ELSE [DUEDATE]
                                            END AS DUEDATE ,
                                            VOIDDATE AS VOIDPDATE
                                  FROM      dbo.RM20101
                                  SELECT    CUSTNMBR ,
                                            RMDTYPAL ,
                                            DOCDATE ,
                                            DOCNUMBR ,
                                            ORTRXAMT ,
                                            BACHNUMB ,
                                            TRXSORCE ,
                                            BCHSOURC ,
                                            DISCDATE ,
                                            VOIDSTTS AS VOIDED ,
                                            GLPOSTDT ,
                                            CASE WHEN DUEDATE = @EMPTYDATE THEN DOCDATE
                                                 ELSE [DUEDATE]
                                            END AS DUEDATE ,
                                            VOIDDATE AS VOIDPDATE
                                  FROM      dbo.RM30101
                                ) Z
                      WHERE     Z.PSTGDATE <= @ASOFDATE
                                AND Z.VOIDED = 1
                                AND Z.RMDTYPAL <> 6
                                AND Z.VOIDPDATE > @ASOFDATE
                    ) X
        ) W