ClassicPress Plugin Development: Create Submenu for a Custom Post Type

ClassicPress PluginsThis post is part of the ClassicPress Plugin Development series in which I am going to look at both best practice for developing plugins and how I approach some requirements as well as some of the functions I commonly use.

If you’ve created a plugin with a custom post type you can add additional submenus to the custom post types top level menu. I typically use this to add the options page of the plugin. This is basically done as a variation on the theme of adding a submenu to custom top level menu.

This is an example from my From Twitter plugin which has a custom post type called Tweet; the key difference between this and adding a submenu to the Settings menu is the $tag which is the first argument.

 * Add to menu.
 * @since 1.0.0
function azrcrv_ft_create_admin_menu(){
						,esc_html__('From Twitter Settings', 'from-twitter')
						,esc_html__('Settings', 'from-twitter')

You can find the tag to use by hovering the mouse over the top level menu of the custom post type.

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ClassicPress Plugin Development: Create Custom Post Type

ClassicPress PluginsThis post is part of the ClassicPress Plugin Development series in which I am going to look at both best practice for developing plugins and how I approach some requirements as well as some of the functions I commonly use.

ClassicPress is intended to be extended and customised and has numerous ways this can be done. Shortcodes are a common way of doing this, but another way is to create a custom post type.

A post type in ClassicPress is a type of content. A single item is called a post, but this is also the name of a standard post type called posts which are used in the blog part of ClassicPress.

The default post types which ship with ClassicPress are:

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Attachments
  • Revisions
  • Navigation Menus
  • Custom CSS
  • Changesets

You would a custom post type for an additional type of content which does not fit within the existing post types. For example, if you wanted to create a archive of tweets from Twitter, as I did with my From Twitter plugin, create a Tweet custom post type.

Post types can support any number of built-in core features such as meta boxes, custom fields, post thumbnails, post statuses, comments, and more. See the $supports argument, below, for a complete list of supported features.

Custom post types are created usig the register_post_type function:

register_post_type(string $post_type, array|string $args = array())


$post_type (string) (Required) Post type key. Must not exceed 20 characters and may only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. See sanitize_key(). $args (array|string) (Optional) Array or string of arguments for registering a post type.
  • 'label' (string) Name of the post type shown in the menu. Usually plural. Default is value of $labels['name'].
  • 'labels' (string[]) An array of labels for this post type. If not set, post labels are inherited for non-hierarchical types and page labels for hierarchical ones. See get_post_type_labels() for a full list of supported labels.
  • 'description' (string) A short descriptive summary of what the post type is.
  • 'public' (bool) Whether a post type is intended for use publicly either via the admin interface or by front-end users. While the default settings of $exclude_from_search, $publicly_queryable, $show_ui, and $show_in_nav_menus are inherited from public, each does not rely on this relationship and controls a very specific intention. Default false.
  • 'hierarchical' (bool) Whether the post type is hierarchical (e.g. page). Default false.
  • 'exclude_from_search' (bool) Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search results. Default is the opposite value of $public.
  • 'publicly_queryable' (bool) Whether queries can be performed on the front end for the post type as part of parse_request(). Endpoints would include:
    • ?post_type={post_type_key}
    • ?{post_type_key}={single_post_slug}
    • ?{post_type_query_var}={single_post_slug}
    If not set, the default is inherited from $public.
  • 'show_ui' (bool) Whether to generate and allow a UI for managing this post type in the admin. Default is value of $public.
  • 'show_in_menu' (bool|string) Where to show the post type in the admin menu. To work, $show_ui must be true. If true, the post type is shown in its own top level menu. If false, no menu is shown. If a string of an existing top level menu (eg. 'tools.php' or 'edit.php?post_type=page'), the post type will be placed as a sub-menu of that. Default is value of $show_ui.
  • 'show_in_nav_menus' (bool) Makes this post type available for selection in navigation menus. Default is value of $public.
  • 'show_in_admin_bar' (bool) Makes this post type available via the admin bar. Default is value of $show_in_menu.
  • 'show_in_rest' (bool) Whether to include the post type in the REST API. Set this to true for the post type to be available in the block editor.
  • 'rest_base' (string) To change the base url of REST API route. Default is $post_type.
  • 'rest_controller_class' (string) REST API Controller class name. Default is 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller'.
  • 'menu_position' (int) The position in the menu order the post type should appear. To work, $show_in_menu must be true. Default null (at the bottom).
  • 'menu_icon' (string) The url to the icon to be used for this menu. Pass a base64-encoded SVG using a data URI, which will be colored to match the color scheme -- this should begin with 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'. Pass the name of a Dashicons helper class to use a font icon, e.g. 'dashicons-chart-pie'. Pass 'none' to leave div.wp-menu-image empty so an icon can be added via CSS. Defaults to use the posts icon.
  • 'capability_type' (string) The string to use to build the read, edit, and delete capabilities. May be passed as an array to allow for alternative plurals when using this argument as a base to construct the capabilities, e.g. array('story', 'stories'). Default 'post'.
  • 'capabilities' (string[]) Array of capabilities for this post type. $capability_type is used as a base to construct capabilities by default. See get_post_type_capabilities().
  • 'map_meta_cap' (bool) Whether to use the internal default meta capability handling. Default false.
  • 'supports' (array) Core feature(s) the post type supports. Serves as an alias for calling add_post_type_support() directly. Core features include 'title', 'editor', 'comments', 'revisions', 'trackbacks', 'author', 'excerpt', 'page-attributes', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields', and 'post-formats'. Additionally, the 'revisions' feature dictates whether the post type will store revisions, and the 'comments' feature dictates whether the comments count will show on the edit screen. A feature can also be specified as an array of arguments to provide additional information about supporting that feature. Example: array('my_feature', array('field' => 'value')). Default is an array containing 'title' and 'editor'.
  • 'register_meta_box_cb' (callable) Provide a callback function that sets up the meta boxes for the edit form. Do remove_meta_box() and add_meta_box() calls in the callback. Default null.
  • 'taxonomies' (string[]) An array of taxonomy identifiers that will be registered for the post type. Taxonomies can be registered later with register_taxonomy() or register_taxonomy_for_object_type().
  • 'has_archive' (bool|string) Whether there should be post type archives, or if a string, the archive slug to use. Will generate the proper rewrite rules if $rewrite is enabled. Default false.
  • 'rewrite' (bool|array) Triggers the handling of rewrites for this post type. To prevent rewrite, set to false. Defaults to true, using $post_type as slug. To specify rewrite rules, an array can be passed with any of these keys:
    • 'slug' (string) Customize the permastruct slug. Defaults to $post_type key.
    • 'with_front' (bool) Whether the permastruct should be prepended with WP_Rewrite::$front. Default true.
    • 'feeds' (bool) Whether the feed permastruct should be built for this post type. Default is value of $has_archive.
    • 'pages' (bool) Whether the permastruct should provide for pagination. Default true.
    • 'ep_mask' (int) Endpoint mask to assign. If not specified and permalink_epmask is set, inherits from $permalink_epmask. If not specified and permalink_epmask is not set, defaults to EP_PERMALINK.
  • 'query_var' (string|bool) Sets the query_var key for this post type. Defaults to $post_type key. If false, a post type cannot be loaded at ?{query_var}={post_slug}. If specified as a string, the query ?{query_var_string}={post_slug} will be valid.
  • 'can_export' (bool) Whether to allow this post type to be exported. Default true.
  • 'delete_with_user' (bool) Whether to delete posts of this type when deleting a user.
    • If true, posts of this type belonging to the user will be moved to Trash when the user is deleted.
    • If false, posts of this type belonging to the user will *not* be trashed or deleted.
    • If not set (the default), posts are trashed if post type supports the 'author' feature. Otherwise posts are not trashed or deleted. Default null.
  • 'template' (array) Array of blocks to use as the default initial state for an editor session. Each item should be an array containing block name and optional attributes.
  • 'template_lock' (string|false) Whether the block template should be locked if $template is set.
    • If set to 'all', the user is unable to insert new blocks, move existing blocks and delete blocks.
    • If set to 'insert', the user is able to move existing blocks but is unable to insert new blocks and delete blocks. Default false.
  • '_builtin' (bool) FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY! True if this post type is a native or "built-in" post_type. Default false.
  • '_edit_link' (string) FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY! URL segment to use for edit link of this post type. Default 'post.php?post=%d'. Default value: array()


(WP_Post_Type|WP_Error) The registered post type object on success, WP_Error object on failure.

Below is an example of the registration of a custom post type in my Call-out Boxes plugin; this custom post type is not public as it only does output within the plugins shortcode and does not allow for searching:

add_action('init', 'azrcrv_cob_create_custom_post_type');

 * Create custom snippet post type.
 * @since 1.0.0
function azrcrv_cob_create_custom_post_type(){
				'labels' => array(
									'name' => __('Templates', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'singular_name' => __('Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'menu_name' => __( 'Call-out Boxes', 'call-out-boxes' ),
									'name_admin_bar' => __( 'Call-out Box Template', 'call-out-boxes' ),
									'all_items' => __('All Templates', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'add_new' => __('Add New Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'add_new_item' => __('Add New Call-out Box Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'edit' => __('Edit Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'edit_item' => __('Edit Call-out Box Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'new_item' => __('New Call-out Box Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'view' => __('View Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'view_item' => __('View Call-out Box Template', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'search_items' => __('Search Call-out Box Templates', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'not_found' => __('No Call-out Box Templates found', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Call-out Box Templates found in Trash', 'call-out-boxes'),
									'parent' => __('Parent Call-out Box', 'call-out-boxes')
			'public' => false,
			'exclude_from_search' => true,
			'publicly_queryable' => false,
			'menu_position' => 50,
			'supports' => array('title'),
			'taxonomies' => array(''),
			'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-testimonial',
			'has_archive' => false,
			'show_ui' => true,
			'show_in_menu' => true,
			'show_in_admin_bar' => true,
			'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
			'show_in_rest' => false,

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SQL Script to Assign All Bins to All Items in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI try to do as much through the front-end of Microsoft Dynamics GP as possible in order that the correct business logic be applied to the changes as possible. However, sometimes doing it that way takes far too much time. Recently when working with a particular client, we needed to assign all bins to all items.

Bins were being being introduced so there were no bins currently assigned, which meant a simple SQL script could be created using CROSS JOIN which produces a resultset where each item umber in the Item Master (IV00101) table was paired with the location code/bin number combination in the Site Bin Master (IV40701) table and inserted into Item Site Bin Priorities (IV00117).

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
INSERT INTO IV00117 --Item Site Bin Priorities (IV00117) ( ITEMNMBR ,LOCNCODE ,Priority ,BIN ,MINSTOCKQTY ,MAXSTOCKQTY ) --VALUES ( SELECT ['Item Number'].ITEMNMBR ,['Site Bin Master'].LOCNCODE ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ['Item Number'].ITEMNMBR, ['Site Bin Master'].LOCNCODE ORDER BY ['Item Number'].ITEMNMBR, ['Site Bin Master'].LOCNCODE, ['Site Bin Master'].BIN) AS Priority ,['Site Bin Master'].BIN ,0 AS MINSTOCKQTY ,0 AS MAXSTOCKQTY FROM IV00101 AS ['Item Number'] --Item Master (IV00101) CROSS JOIN IV40701 AS ['Site Bin Master']--Site Bin Master (IV40701) ) GO

If any assignments exist in the IV00117 table the script will fail with a duplicate key error; the script also assigns priority based on the alphabetical order of the site/bin number combinations which may not be suitable in all contexts.

ClassicPress Plugin Development: Rename First Sublevel Menu of a Custom Top Level Menu

ClassicPress PluginsThis post is part of the ClassicPress Plugin Development series in which I am going to look at both best practice for developing plugins and how I approach some requirements as well as some of the functions I commonly use.

In the last post I showed how to create a custom top level menu and mentioned it creted both the top level menu and a sublevel menu of the same name.

As the below example, extracted from my To Twitter plugin which adds a submenu to the existing azrcrv-tt menu with a name of Settings. As the first, $parent_slug, and fifth, $menu_slug parameters match the top level menu the add_submenu_page function renames the default first submenu entry:

add_action('admin_menu', 'azrcrv_tt_create_admin_menu');

 * Add to menu.
 * @since 1.0.0
function azrcrv_tt_create_admin_menu(){
				,__('Settings', 'to-twitter')
				,__('Settings', 'to-twitter')

To rename a custom top level menu on a network admin dashboard, change the admin_menu tag in the add_action function call to network_admin_menu.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Remove Revisions

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins series which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is one written specifically for ClassicPress; Remove Revisions.


While revisions can be disabled or limited in number with settings in the wp-config file, there is no way to allow for the deletion of revisions over a certain ago. That is what this plugin allows you to do.

In the options you can set the number of months after which revisions are to be deleted. They can then be deleted at the click of a button or via a cron job running on a daily schedule.

The options also allow you to select the post types (both standard and custom) which can have revisions removed.

Removal of revisions is done using the ClassicPress function to ensure they are done correctly.

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.


The plugin can be downloaded from my GitHub.

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Fixing “This share requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol…”

WindowsThis is actually an older issue, I didn’t post about as I first came across it months after Microsoft made the change. However, I’ve seen it come up a few times recently after installing Windows updates, so I am posting this as a reminder of how to fix the issue.

I have seen this on a couple of client sites which has been referred to the client’s IT department to take action, but I also get this on my home network.

The issue is when you try to access a network share, such as from a NAS (Network Attached Storage):

SM! error

You can't connect to the file share because it’s not secure. This share requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol, which is unsafe and could expose your system to attack...

Continue reading “Fixing “This share requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol…””

Trust Relationship Between This Workstation and the Primary Domain Failed

MicrosoftHaving never seen the below error message before, I have now seen it twice in the last few weeks.

The first time was when I started a VM running an old version of Microsoft Dynamics GP for the first time in a few months; the second was when I copied the VM from my laptop onto the server which had a previous copy of the domain controller VM.

The second instance was not unexpected, but at least I knew how to resolve the problem having seen it recently on a VM which hadn’t been run for a while.

The error is produced when you try to log into Windows:

Trust relationship error when logging in

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed

The solution is to remove the computer from the domain, restart the computer and then add it back to the domain.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow Navigation Lists Not Working Correctly After Upgrading

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been involved with a number of upgrade projects recently where we were both upgrading the client to the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics GP, but also introducing some new functionality such as workflow for approvals.

Quite a few of these clients are long time users of Dynamics GP who started on version 9 or before. This means that in most cases, when introducing workflow, we find that the Not Submitted and Pending Approval navigation lists don’t work. By this, I mean they do not display any data.

This issue was covered back in 2017 by Derek Albaugh on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog.

The blog post includes scripts to clear down the List View Master (SY07220) and List View Filters (SY07230) tables whether you have custom navigation lists or not. These tables are like the Menu Master (SY07110) table which repopulate when you log back into Dynamics GP.

For most of the clients we have found that even if there are custom navigation lists, we need to delete the contents of the two tables and recreate the customisations rather than removing only the defaults, as Dynamics GP crashes whenever we tried to access a navigation list after removing the defaults.

azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Disable FLoC

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins series which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is one written for ClassicPress by John Alrcon which I have now adopted; Disable FLoC.


Have you ever heard of “Federated Learning of Cohorts” — or FLoC? It is Google’s next-generation technique for tracking users across the web. They say it’s anonymous and safe. We know better. This plugin sets a header to disable the FLoC tracking.


The plugin can be downloaded from my GitHub.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Username Protection

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins series which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is one written for ClassicPress by John Alrcon which I have now adopted; Username Protection.


This plugin allows you to remove anonymous access to usernames in ClassicPress to help mitigate brute-force attacks. For visitors who are not logged in, usernames are removed from the REST API, feeds, author pages, and prevented from exposure through other common vectors of discovery.


The plugin can be downloaded from my GitHub.

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