Using No-IP For External Access With a Dynamics IP Address: Series Index

Useful ApplicationsI do a lot of travelling for work and often want to connect to my home system to access a NAS or a computer which has been left on. Unfortunately, I have a dynamic IP address which means the IP address changes whenever the router restarts and, living in rural England, glitches which cause a router restart are not uncommon.

The solution to this is to use No-IP; a service I will introduce over the next few posts starting with what it is and how it works trough to setting it up and installing the update client.

The series index (below) will automatically update as each post goes live over the next few days, unless you’re reading it via a syndicated feed, in which case check Using No-IP For External Access With a Dynamics IP Address for the new posts.

Using No-IP For External Access With a Dynamics IP Address
What Is No-IP?
Creating An Account
Installing No-IP Client

What should we write about next?

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