SQL Script to Get Assigned Building Block Groups for Companies in Management Reporter

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently did a Microsoft Dynamics GP and Management reporter upgrade for a client which incuded migrating the databases to a new server. After performing the upgrade, users were unable, in some companies, to see the reports in Management Reporter. When we looked into it, some of the companies had reverted to the Default building block group.

To easily identify the companies which had reverted, I created the below script which coud be rn on both the original and upgraded Management reporter databases; it lists all the companies and the assigned building block group:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Case Control'].Code AS 'Company ID' ,['Case Control'].Name AS 'Company Name' ,['Control Specification Set'].Name AS 'Building Block ID' ,['Control Specification Set'].Description AS 'Building Block Name' FROM Reporting.ControlCompany AS ['Case Control'] INNER JOIN Reporting.ControlSpecificationSet AS ['Control Specification Set'] ON ['Control Specification Set'].ID = ['Case Control'].SpecificationSetID ORDER BY ['Case Control'].Code