“The vendor has an existing purchase order…” error message when using Integration Manager

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently been working with a client to implement Microsoft Dynamics GP and have been using Integration Manager to import the opening data. While importing payables transactions I encountered the following error:

The vendor has an existing purchase order error

The vendor has an existing purchase order. Choose Continue to post or save. Choose Go To to view a purchasing navigation list. Choose Cancel to return to the window...

Continue reading ““The vendor has an existing purchase order…” error message when using Integration Manager”

azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Add Open Graph Tags

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is a brand new one written for ClassicPress; Add Open Graph Tags.


Add Open Graph Tags to attach rich photos to social media posts to Facebook or LinkedIn, helping to drive traffic to your website.

Options allow:

  • Excerpt or first 200 characters of post added to card.
  • Thumbnail or first post image will be added to card.
  • Integrate with Floating Featured Images for card image.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.


If you select a post on this blog containing images, the first one will be sent to LinkedIn or Facebook when you share the post.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

Click to show/hide the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins Series Index

SQL Stored Procedure to delete old Microsoft Dynamics GP Document Attachments

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Document Attachment feature was introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 RTM and has been enhanced a number of times since. One of the features it does not have is the ability to delete attachments; you can flag them as deleted, but they are not removed from the database.

With GDPR rules, clients have become concerned about the information retained in the system without a means to delete it. To that end I created a SQL stored procedure which could be scheduled to run on a regular basis and delete transactions older than the specified number of years (highlighted value is the number of years).

This allows clients to run this on a scheduled basis and remove old documents; it can also serve as the basis for a customised version which deletes on a more controlled basis.

As with any script, please ensure you perform through testing before deploying to a live system.

IF OBJECT_ID (N'usp_AZRCRV_DeleteDocAttachAttachments', N'P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE usp_AZRCRV_DeleteDocAttachAttachments

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_AZRCRV_DeleteDocAttachAttachments
	@iAge INTEGER = 7
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
-- CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE CREATE TABLE #AttachmentsToDelete( Attachment_ID CHAR(37) ) -- SELECT ATTACHMENTS OVER n YEARS OLD TO DELETE INSERT INTO #AttachmentsToDelete (Attachment_ID) --VALUES ( SELECT Attachment_ID FROM CO00101 WHERE CREATDDT < DATEADD(yyyy, -@iAge, GETDATE()) ) -- DELETE FROM Document Attachment Master (CO00101) DELETE FROM CO00101 WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DELETE FROM Document Attachment Reference (CO00102) DELETE FROM CO00102 WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DELETE FROM Document Attachment Properties (CO00103) DELETE FROM CO00103 WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DELETE FROM Document Attachment Status (CO00104) DELETE FROM CO00104 WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DELETE FROM Document Attachment Email (CO00105) DELETE FROM CO00105 WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DELETE FROM COATTACHMENTITEMS DELETE FROM coAttachmentItems WHERE Attachment_ID IN (SELECT Attachment_ID FROM #AttachmentsToDelete) -- DROP TEMPORARY TABLE DROP TABLE #AttachmentsToDelete GO

SQL View to return Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow step approvers

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was recently talking to a client who was looking at creating a SQL script which they could run for the auditors which shows the assigned approvers to the steps of a Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow process.

I’d written similar code for others before so I was able to provide them with this view:

CREATE VIEW uv_AZRCRV_GetWorkflowSetupStepAssignment AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Workflow Master'].Workflow_name ,['Workflow Master'].Workflow_Description ,CASE WHEN ['Workflow Master'].ACTIVE = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS ACTIVE ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].WF_Step_Predecessor ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_Step_Name ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].WF_Step_Description ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].EmailMessageID ,['Workflow Users'].ADLogin ,['Workflow Users'].ADDisplayName FROM WF100002 AS ['Workflow Master'] LEFT JOIN WF100003 AS ['Workflow Step Instance Table'] ON ['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_Name= ['Workflow Master'].Workflow_Name LEFT JOIN WF40200 AS ['Workflow Users'] ON ['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_Step_Assign_To = ['Workflow Users'].UsersListGuid GO

This can be deployed to a company database and a SmartList object created using either SmartList Designer or SmartList Builder.

Updated 27/2/2020 to add Active column

ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Sign up for GitHub

GitHubWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with GitHub.

The first step to using GitHub for developing with ClasssicPress, is to create a GitHub account; navigate to the landing page, enter a Username, Email and Password and click the large green Sign up for Github button:

Sign up for GitHub

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Sign up for GitHub”

ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Series Index

GitHubI have been using ClassicPress to run this blog, and several other sites, since early last year. I have also created new versions of all of my plugins for ClassicPress.

When I was working with plugins for WordPress, I used their Plugin Repository for source control which was based off SVN. This wasn’t really the ideal way of doing things, as I should have had my own source control for development purposes.

At the start of 2019, GitHub announced new unlimited repositories (amongst some other changes) which made GitHub a viable source control tool for me.

The added bonus of using GitHub is that ClassicPress mean to use it for their Plugin Directory which is scheduled for inclusion in version 2. Development of this is in the early stages now, but using GitHub for my own development means I am at least part way to being compatible with the directory when it is launched.

I have over a hundred repositories now on GitHub (although you’ll see a much smaller number as quite a few are private). I took some screenshots when I started and meant to blog about it and then got sidetracked. In this series of posts I am going back to my intended posts, in which I am going to cover the basics of using GitHub for development of ClassicPress plugins.

This is a weekend series of posts with new posts going live over the next few weeks. If you’re reading this on azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant the index will update automatically.

TLS causing a Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow approval error

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI have recently been doing some work with a client to enable the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP for external approval. This requires a steps to configure them for secure external access; when it was configured we tested on afew devices including Android smart phones and iPhones.

We found that everything worked fine, except for the Android devices which returned the following error:

Approval error on Android


When I investigated the issue I recalled that I had seen references to this issue previously, but hadn’t realised the meaning. The problem is that the web services use an older version of TLS which has started to be deprecated and actually retired; this looks like it will be a much bigger problem starting very soon as the major browsers also remove support.

Continue reading “TLS causing a Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow approval error”

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Paste from Excel in Web Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests series where I am going hands on with the top feature requests of the new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP; it is part of the larger Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features series.

The eighth, and final, new feature from the top user requests, is copy and paste from Excel in the web client. This has not worked since 2015 R2 with fixes promised always in the next version.

Again it has been included as a feature in the October 2019 release, but while it allows you to get the data from Ececl into the GL Transaction Entry window, but is instead an import. To import the journal lines in the web client, click the Paste button and then click Choose file:

Import from Excel

You can browse to select a file to import as journal lines. The format is the same as when pasting in the desktop client.

It works, but it is not as nice and easy as the copy and paste possible in the desktop client and is not a copy and paste despite the announcement.

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Sort companies in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Filter inactive users in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: More than 32 report options in Report Group
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Long description for payables transaction entries
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Expand the view of fiscal periods
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show user who posted for Journal Entry Inquiry
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Add Class ID to Fixed Assets Transfer
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Document Attach available in Bank Reconciliation
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Visual Cue for EFT Vendor on Edit Payment Batch
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show Check Number in Apply Sales Document window
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Security Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Roles Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Tasks Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Export and import workflows
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Change approver for active workflow tasks
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Vendor approval enhancements
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Copy Report Option
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Save setting for how to show new POs
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Paste from Excel in Web Client
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests
Copy Report Option
Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Save setting for how to show new POs
Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Paste from Excel in Web Client

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Show the User ID in the Items SmartList

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests series where I am going hands on with the top feature requests of the new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP; it is part of the larger Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features series.

The seventh new feature from the top user requests, is the storage of the user ID who last modified an item record; this field has also been made available to SmartList:

Items SmartList object showing new User ID column

Being able to see the last user to amend an item is a good addition and it is nice to see it made available within SmartList.

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Sort companies in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Filter inactive users in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: More than 32 report options in Report Group
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Long description for payables transaction entries
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Expand the view of fiscal periods
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show user who posted for Journal Entry Inquiry
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Add Class ID to Fixed Assets Transfer
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Document Attach available in Bank Reconciliation
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Visual Cue for EFT Vendor on Edit Payment Batch
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show Check Number in Apply Sales Document window
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Security Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Roles Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Tasks Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Export and import workflows
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Change approver for active workflow tasks
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Vendor approval enhancements
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Copy Report Option
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Save setting for how to show new POs
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Paste from Excel in Web Client
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests
Copy Report Option
Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Save setting for how to show new POs
Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Paste from Excel in Web Client

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Inactive field added to Item SmartList

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests series where I am going hands on with the top feature requests of the new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP; it is part of the larger Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features series.

The sixth top requested enhancement is the availability of a column in the Items SmartList showing if an item is active or inactive:

Items SmartList with Inactive column

I was a little surprised to see this announced as a feature as I had assume this field was already available, but it seems that when an Inactive flag was added in Dynamics GP 2013 RTM, that was as far as the change went. Extra visibility is always a good thing, so nice to see this added.

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Sort companies in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: Filter inactive users in User Access Setup
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – System Enhancements: More than 32 report options in Report Group
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Long description for payables transaction entries
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Expand the view of fiscal periods
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show user who posted for Journal Entry Inquiry
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Add Class ID to Fixed Assets Transfer
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Document Attach available in Bank Reconciliation
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Visual Cue for EFT Vendor on Edit Payment Batch
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Financial Enhancements: Show Check Number in Apply Sales Document window
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: User Security Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Roles Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Security Tasks Workflow
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Export and import workflows
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Change approver for active workflow tasks
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Workflow Enhancements: Vendor approval enhancements
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Copy Report Option
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Save setting for how to show new POs
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests: Paste from Excel in Web Client
Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release New Features – Top Feature Requests
Copy Report Option
Filter Item Stock Inquiry by Date
Exclude Inactive Items on Item Price List Report
Minimize transaction when Go To is selected for PO that exists
Save setting for how to show new POs
Inactive field added to Item SmartList
Show the User ID in the Items SmartList
Paste from Excel in Web Client