SmartConnect Service Won’t Start

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis is an issue which I encountered a while ago, but only recently found the screenshots when doing some tidying up. When I installed SmartConnect I had a problem whereby the service would not start.

I’d followed my usual implementation steps, but was receiving this error when trying to start the service:

Service start error

The eOne SmartConnect Service service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.

When I checked the Windows Event Log, I did find an error showing that there was a problem with the service account being used saying that the selected account was not a SmartConnect user:

Windows Event Log error

When I checked the SmartConnect Security window I found that the SmartConnect service had been added, but the NETBIOS part of the username was incorrect:

SmartConnect Security

On my demo system the domain is azurecurve.isc which resulted in a default NETBIOS of AZURECURVE during the installation of the domain controller and which I had changed to ISC. However, SmartConnect had apparently selected the default one when I did a lookup for the user instead of the one actually in use.

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