Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: Install .NET prerequisite

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release series where I am hands on with the newly released Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release.

Before installing any of the Microsoft Dynamics GP components, you need to make sure the system requirements are met. On top of this there is also some prerequisites which need to be met before the Microsoft Dynamics GP client or other components can be installed.

Most of these prerequisites can be handled by installer process, there is one which cannot; this is the .NET Framework 3.5 feature which is installed using the Add Roles and Features Wizard available via Server Manager on Windows Server or using Turn Windows features on or off accessible via Program and Features on Windows.

If the PC or server you’re planning to install Microsoft Dynamics GP onto has an Internet connection, then the .NET can be installed simply by using the wizard. However, if, for whatever reason, you don’t have an Internet connection available, the install process isn’t quite that smooth.

However, for both server and PC you can do an offline install and I have blogged about this several years ago:

  • Offline install on Windows.
  • Offline install on Windows Server.
  • The above articles are for older versions of Windows Server and Windows, but the process is exactly the same on current versions.

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    ClassicPress plugins from azurecurve

    ClassicPress PluginsI created this blog in June 2011 with WordPress and for a couple of years I used plugins created by other people. However, as I started looking for more advanced functionality, I found that there were either no plugins which did what I wanted or, at best, did most of what I wanted, but not everything or things I didn’t like.

    I’d worked in PHP previously (including writing my own MVC framework), and decided that I would have a go at writing my own WordPress plugins; by December 2018, I had a library of 25 WordPress plugins which are in the WordPress Plugin Repository.

    In November 2018, I started looking at ClassicPress, a hard fork of WordPress, as a way of avoiding the new Gutenberg editor introduced in WordPress. In March 2019, I started rewriting the plugins specially for ClassicPress.

    Code was improved, security enhanced and new functionality added; in addition, I also wrote several new plugins just for ClassicPress. All of my plugins for ClassicPress are listed below; clicking a tile will take you to my Development site which has details of the plugin:

    Add Open Graph TagsAdd Twitter CardsAvatarsBBCodeBreadcrumbsCall-out BoxesCheck Plugin StatusCodeComment ValidatorConditional LinksDisable FLoCDisplay After Post ContentEstimated Read TimeEventsFiltered CategoriesFlagsFloating Featured ImageFrom TwitterGallery From FolderGet GitHub FileIconsImagesInsult GeneratorLoop InjectionMaintenance ModeMarkdownMobile DetectionMultisite FaviconNearbyPage IndexPost ArchiveRemove RevisionsRSS FeedRSS SuffixSeries IndexShortcodes in CommentsShortcodes in WidgetsSidebar LoginSMTPSnippetsTag CloudTaxonomy IndexTaxonomy OrderTheme SwitcherTimelinesTo TwitterToggle Show/HideUpdate Admin MenuURL ShortenerUsername ProtectionWidget Announcements

    The above list of plugins will automatically update as new plugins are released.

    Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: Download

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release series where I am hands on with the newly released Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release.

    The full installation media for the 2020 Release of Microsoft Dynamics GP can be downloaded from here lock and the service pack release here lock.

    In this series, I will be using the full installation download as I will be doing a fresh install.

    Click to show/hide the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release Series Index

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Compatibility page updated for Fall 2020 release

    Microsoft Dynamics GPI created a GP Compatibility page a while ago to show the compatibility of Microsoft Dynamics GP with the various versions of SQL Server, Windows Server and Windows as a quick reference.

    I’ve updated it now for the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2002 Release, based on the system requirements documents.

    The page is accessible from the GP Resources menu along with a number of other pages or external links containing useful information on Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: System Requirements

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release series where I am hands on with the newly released Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release.

    There are not many changes to the system requirements for the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Release are not much, if any, different from the prior release; the system requirements for Dynamics GP and the Web Components can be viewed at the following links:

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    Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: Series Index

    Microsoft Dynamics GPWith Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release now available for download, I am going to go hands on and install this new version of the core product and a few of the addons and applications from Microsoft.

    The below series index will automatically update here on azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant as posts are published; if you’re reading elsewhere, check back to this series index post:

    Continue reading “Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: Series Index”

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release fixes recent Word template issue

    Microsoft Dynamics GPA recent update to Microsoft Office broke the Word templates produced from Dynamics GP for both workflow notification/action emails and emailing of Word template documents (such as remittances, orders, invoices and so on). A few days after Microsoft shared details of the problem, they said a fix would be forthcoming and it is included in the 2020 Release.

    This does mean that if you are on any version of Dynamics GP 2018 or on the 2019 Release, you will need to apply the 2020 Release update; a fix for Dynamics GP 2016 will also be released, but the method of approach is still being determined.

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release is now available

    Microsoft Dynamics GPTowards the end of last week, on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog announced the release of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release.

    You can download the full product lock or service pack lock depending on how you plan to install/upgrade Dynamics GP.

    If you’re doing an upgrade, there is also an upgrade blog series which runs through the important issues to consider when doing an upgrade.

    Microsoft have done this release differently to previous releases, as the new feature blog series has only just started, whereas it was previously published in advance of the product release.

    I will do my usual series of blog posts over the coming weeks on installing the new version as well as running through all of the new features.

    PowerShell Snippets: Output list of folders and sub-folders

    PowerShellThis post is part of the series on PowerShell Snippets.

    The following PowerShell command will export a list of folders and sub-folders from the specified location (the first highlighted section is the starting folder and the second the output path for the CS file):

    Get-ChildItem -Path \\nas3\public\movies -Recurse -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object FullName | Export-CSV c:\temp\export.txt

    Bulk watermark images

    Useful WebsitesA couple of days ago, I posted about a website which allowed you to bulk resize images; that site has a sister site which allows images to be watermarked in bulk.

    The Batch Watermark; you are able to use an image or text as the watermark and it will be applied to all of the uploaded photos:

    Bulk watermark images

    I am not a huge fan of watermarking images, but lots of people will use any photo posted online as if it was copyright free, so when I upload photos to my Coppr|Distilleries to Visit and Dark Forge | Tourist Attractions sites, I will apply a watermark to them so any other use of the photo will at least include the original source.