Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on building my new Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

Installing the Pi-hole was something which I was quite concerned about doing. A week or so before I boguth my Pi-hole I mentioned Pi-hole on Twitter and a friend had a go at installing it on an unsed Raspberry Pi he had. He actually had quite a few problems which put me off for a short time.

However, when he resolved his problems he realised that the problems were his and not Pi-hole in general. So, I decided I was back on for building a Pi-hole.

Once the Raspberry Pi had arrived and been built, I set about installing Pi-hole. It is actually quite straightforward. As with Linux in general, you do not need to download the software as you would on Windows. Instead it is all, usually, handled from the command line.

To download and start the install Pi-hole type this command at the Linux command line prompt:

curl -sSL | bash

The Pi-hole installer does require some user interaction, but guides you though the process. On the welcome screen, click OK to proceed:

Pi-hole automated installer

Click OK on the donate step:

Pi-hole donate step

The Pi-hole is a server and requires a static IP address; when informed of this, click OK:

Pi-hole requires a static IP address

Select which network interface is being used; I have opted for the hardwired connection, rather than Wifi. Use the right cursor key to move down to the OK button and press return:

Select network interface

Select the upstream DNS provider; I have opted to use the OpenDNS:

Select Upstream DNS Provider

Pi-hole uses third party lists for blocking ads; you can use multiple ads. Deselect the lists you do not want to use:

List of third party lists to use

Select the protocols (IPv4 or IPv6) you want to use:

Select Protocols

Confirm if you want to use the current IP address as a static address:

Use current IP address as static address

You will be warned to configure your router with this IP set as static so that it doesn;t get assigned to a different computer:

IP conflict warnig

Accept the use of the web admin interface:

Confirm install of web admin interface

Accept the installation of the web server:

Confirm insall of web server

Decide if you want to log queries:

Decide if you want to log queries

Decide the privacy mode for FTL (which is the custom program created to read the Pi-hole text logs and store the necessary output within RAM. From there, the Web Interface queries FTL and is able to return results extremely quickly). I’ve opted for maximum information:

Select a privacy mode for FTL

Installation of Pi-hole is now compelte; a confirmation dialog will be displayed showing the IP addresses configured:

Installation compelte

The dialog also shows the web interface address and your admin password.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
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Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

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