Find SQL Function In All Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerI did a few posts back in 2016 on finding objects in SQL (a column in all tables, all custom sql objects in a database and trigger in all databases).

I needed to find if a function existed in all databases, so I produced the following script which searches in all Microsoft Dynamics GP databases:

-- drop stored proc if it exists
IF OBJECT_ID (N'usp_AZRCRV_FindFunctionInAllDatabases', N'P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE usp_AZRCRV_FindFunctionInAllDatabases

-- create stored proc
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_AZRCRV_FindFunctionInAllDatabases
	@Function VARCHAR(50) = 'uf_AZRCRV'
	Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
	This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
	DECLARE @command nvarchar(max)

	SELECT @command = 'IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM SY01500 AS [''Company Master''] INNER JOIN sys.databases [''Sys Databases''] ON [''Company Master''].INTERID = [''Sys Databases''].name WHERE name = ''?'')   
							USE [?];
							DECLARE @stmt nvarchar(max) DECLARE @n char(1) SET @n = char(10)
							SELECT DB_NAME() AS ''DB_NAME'', FROM sys.objects AS t
							WHERE t.type_desc LIKE ''%FUNCTION%'' 
							AND LIKE '''+ @Function + '%''

	EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

-- grant execute permission on stored proc to DYNGRP

-- execute stored proc
EXEC usp_AZRCRV_FindFunctionInAllDatabases 'dgpp'

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I no longer work with Microsoft Dynamics GP, but the last company I worked for was ISC Software in the UK; if you’re looking for support or consultancy services with Microsoft Dynamics GP you can contact them here.

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