azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Support for Plugins

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

Over the course of this series, I have announced all of the plugins I have created for ClassicPress. I have created a Community site where I will provide support.

Whether you have a bug report, feature request, question or want to translate the plugin, this site is the place to go.

Click to show/hide the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins Series Index

Developing for Dynamics GP Blog Saved

Winthrop DCI am a little behind posting this one, but I think it is quite important to spread the news widely.

David Musgrave, now of WinthropDC, used to work at Microsoft and was the main author of the Developing for Dynamics GP blog which was part of the msdn blogs. This blog was an absolutely great resource on Dynamics GP, especially on more technical areas.

However, showing the impermanence of the Internet, earlier this year Microsoft announced that they would be closing down that platform. In order that useful posts weren’t lost, David has downloaded all of the old posts from the blog, which he deemed still useful on current versions, and imported them onto his new WinthropDC blog.

All of these posts have been categorised as Developing for Dynamics GP; in time they will also start to show up in search engine results.

Reformat Number into Dynamics GP Account Number

Microsoft ExcelA few weeks ago, Steve Endow retweeted about formatting a number in Microsoft Excel into a Microsoft Dynamics GP account number (I can’t find the tweet now, unfortunately). I had a fiddle around with this and it works fine for display, but the underlying data is still a number; it is just the display which has been changed to a formatted number.

However, with only a couple further steps, the account number can be correctly reformatted. I’m going to step through this one from the start; the basic premise is that we have some account strings which are not formatted; e.g. they do not have the segment separators or leading zeros:

Microsoft Excel with unformatted data

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