azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Series Index

ClassicPress PluginsI’ve been involved with the ClassicPress project for a while now in a few different ways (such as writing FAQs and drafting plugin directory rules).

One of the things I have been working on is rewriting my plugins, to both improve the functionality and also to improve their adherence to coding standards and best practice. There was quite a few ways where I was not following best practice or where I had code which was not very secure.

Some plugins have had a near total rewrite while others have just been updated to do things in a more standardised and recommend way. Part of the reason I have done this, in fact been able to do this, is how welcoming and willing to offer advice the people in the ClassicPress community have been.

I have also written a number of new plugins which are all available for ClassicPress (they will also work with WordPress, but I have not submitted them to the WordPress Plugin Repository.

There have been quite a few people who have been willing to answer questions and offer assistance, but I will single out John Alarcon, known in the ClassicPress Community as Code Potent, who has gone out of his way to be of great help.

In this series of posts, I am going to give a brief introduction to each of the plugins I have available, along with links to plugin demos or examples and to my Development site where further details, download and support links are available.

The list of plugins will populate the, below, table as each post in the series goes live.

azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins
Add Twitter Cards
Call-out Boxes
Comment Validator
Conditional Links
Display After Post Content
Filtered Categories
Floating Featured Image
Insult Generator
Loop Injection
Mobile Detection
Multisite Favicon
Page Index
Post Archive
RSS Feed
RSS Suffix
Series Index
Shortcodes in Comments
Shortcodes in Widgets
Sidebar Login
Tag Cloud
Taxonomy Index
Theme Switcher
Toggle Show/Hide
URL Shortener
Add Open Graph Tags
To Twitter
Gallery From Folder
Taxonomy Order
Widget Announcements
From Twitter
Update Admin Menu
Maintenance Mode
Check Plugin Status
Estimated Read Time
Username Protection
Remove Revisions
Disable FLoC
Contact Forms
Strong Password Generator
Load Admin CSS
Support for Plugins
Translating Plugins
All plugins now auto-update

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