Local by Flywheel: Create New Site

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

Once Local by Flywheel is installed, starting the application will show a page with a large green Create a new site button; click this button :

Create a new site stage

Enter the name of the site to create in the available field; click Continue


You can click Custom to select versions of PHP, web server and so on, but I am happy to go with the defaults so have left this option set to Preferred; click Continue to proceed:

Choose your environment stage

Enter the WordPress Username, WordPress Password and WordPress Email and click Add Site:

Setup WordPress stage

The installation may take a few minutes to complete, after which you’ll be deposited to a screen showing an overview of the new site

New site overview

What should we write about next?

If there is a topic which fits the typical ones of this site, which you would like to see me write about, please use the form, below, to submit your idea.

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