Microsoft Dynamics GP User? Then Review Your Security

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn recent times we have taken over a few clients from other partners and one common theme we are running into is poor security practices. For a lot of these new clients, we find that a lot of people know the sa password, the vast majority know the System Password and all users have the POWERUSER* role assigned.

All of these are bad:

  1. sa is the SQL Server system administrator account and should only be used for the initial implementation of Dynamics GP, when Dynamics GP is moved between servers, or when configuring some ISV products.

    When Dynamics GP is implemented, an account called DYNSA is created; this is the Dynamics System Administrator account which is intended for use by the people/team administering Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    However, most of the admin is actually creating or maintaining users and this can be done with any user account, once it has been configured with the relevant permissions.

  2. The System Password should only be known to those people who have a need to know it. It protects access to some windows in the system which can cause problems if used incorrectly.
  3. POWERUSER* is a role which gives access to all windows in Microsoft Dynamics GP; combined with users knowing the System Password can be a recipe for disaster. New security roles should be created and assigned to users which give them access to the windows they need.

Even when users have security roles rather than POWERUSER*, I still recommend clients review the access rights to ensure that people have access they need; this is true for all users. I recommend everyone review their security every year or two to ensure that the changing needs of the business are being met.

We do a fair bit of work for clients assisting them in reviewing the security, but not everyone has a partner they can work with on this type of project. And not everyone has the budget for a full-scale security review with their partner.

One other option, to involving your partner, is to pick up a copy of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Security and Audit Field Manual: Dynamics GP 2016 book by MVP Mark Polino and Andy Snook. This book is for the 2016 version of Dynamics GP, but still fully applies to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 (as well as earlier versions).

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Get Available GP PowerShell Commands

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

With GP PowerShell now installed, it is available for us to use.

There are a number of commands available which can be retrieved using the Get-Command -module GP2018 command:

GP PowerShell

Back when Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 RTM was released, I posted about using GP PowerShell to deploy a company; this is probably the main use I make of GP PowerShell as, especially when implementing a system with a number of companies, it is easier to deploy the commands via a PowerShell script than clicking through the application manually for each one.

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install GP PowerShell

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

The next of the additional products, I am going to install, is the GP PowerShell; this allows you to use PowerShell cmdlets to, for example, deploy companies additional tenants if using a multi-tentnqat implementation.

There is a problem with the GP PowerShell on the installation media. Instead of using this, you need to download a new installer for it, which is available from CustomerSource (login required).

Once you have downloaded the file, and unzipped it, launch the Microsoft_DynamicsGP18_PowerShell.exe:

Windows Explorer

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install GP PowerShell”

Microsoft Dynamics GP PowerBI Content Pack

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has recently been released. and I have been taking a hands on look at the installation (and soon the new functionality). The series index for the Hands On series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

This post is not part of the hands On series, mainly because I currently have little experience with PowerBI (Perfect Image have a Business Intelligence team who do most of the PowerBI work).

It was announced some time ago that there would be a Microsoft Dynamics GP content pack for PowerBI available. I’ve not seen any blog announcement on it, but Pam Misialek did tweet back in December 2017 that it was now available.

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Configure & Use OData Service

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

In the last post, I covered the installation of the GP OData Service. However, I am not going to cover the configuration and use of OData in this post, as it is not an area with which I have much experience. However, I know a man who does and I wrote a book with him in 2016:

Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook

Mark Polino is one of the three top people for reporting from Microsoft Dynamics GP and, in Chapter 13: Modern Business Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics GP of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Cookbook, Mark covered how to configure and use the GP OData Service.

The full outline of topics covered by Mark is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Activating OData for better external analysis
  • Secure OData to control access
  • Connecting OData to Excel for Business Intelligence
  • Connecting GP to Power BI with OData
  • Adding Power BI to the home page in Dynamics GP

I am planning to do some work with Odata in the near future, and am likely to blog about it when I do.

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install GP OData Service

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

The next of the additional products I am going to install, is the GP OData Service; this allows external tools, such as PowerBI, to connect to Dynamics GP.

To install the GP OData Service, launch the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 setup utility from the downloaded media. Depending on server settings, you might receive multiple security warnings during the installation; click Run on each one as it appears:

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install GP OData Service”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Verify Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

The final step with the Web Services, now that they have been configured, is to verify that they are working correctly.

There are three checks which I recommend when verifying the web services:

  1. Is the service running?
  2. Have the security objects been deployed?
  3. Are the endpoints working?

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Verify Web Services”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Configure Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

After installing the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, the next step is to run the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP Configuration Wizard.

This is available via the Windows start menu; once running, click Next on the Welcome step:

Microsoft Dynamics GP: Welcome to the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP Configuration Wizard

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Configure Web Services”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install Web Services Runtime

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released. In this series of posts, I will be stepping through the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and additional products and then will move on to taking a look at the new functionality which has been introduced.

The series index for this series of posts is here and will automatically update as posts go live.

The next of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM additional products I am going to install, is the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP; a few years ago I rarely bothered installing the web services as they were not used by many of my clients. However, the introduction of Workflow 2.0 in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 changed this; now almost every client requires the installation of web services when they upgrade, as this allows them to use email actions for approving submitted documents.

To install the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, launch the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 setup utility from the downloaded media. Depending on server settings, you might receive multiple security warnings during the installation; click Run on each one as it appears:

Under Additional Products, select Web Services Runtime and then click Install on the popup menu:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 setup utility

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM: Install Web Services Runtime”