Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Sorting

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The twelfth feature of the day is Sorting. Five windows inquiry windows have had the ability to change the sort order added:

  • Payables Transaction Inquiry – Vendor
  • Payables Transaction Inquiry – Document
  • Receivables Transaction Inquiry – Customer
  • Receivables Transaction Inquiry – Document
  • Select Bank Transactions
Payables Transaction Inquiry - Vendor

Across the years I have been asked numerous times by clients if it was possible to reorder the inquiry windows into date order, but this was never possible. Until Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 that is.

This feature of the day has seen five of the inquiry windows updated to have sort options available. For Payables Transaction Inquiry – Vendor this means you can change the sort order from Document Number to one of the following:

  • Type
  • Original Amount
  • Unapplied AMount
  • Document Date

The other windows have similar sorting options. We have already started rolling out Dynamics GP 2018 to clients and have had a few positive comments about this feature.

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Rename Payment Run Windows

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The eleventh feature of the day was the renamed payment run windows; this feature saw all of the references in the names of the payment run windows renamed to have Payment in the name isntead of Check (or Cheque for those who use proper English):

Purchasing area page Transactions section

This feature was requested by MVP Mariano Gomez, and I can’t express hjow much I like it. It’s a relatively small change, but makes so much sense. In the UK virtually all payments are EFT payments; virtually no-one still uses cheques for payment so it was always a harder sell than it should have been when the windows all had cheque in the name.

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: New Workflow Functionality – Reporting for Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The tenth feature of the day was Reporting for Workflow which saw the addition of some Workflow Reports accessible from the Reports section of the Administration area page:

Administration area page Reports section

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: New Workflow Functionality – Copy Workflow Steps

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The ninth feature of the day is the ability to copy workflow steps. This is one of those features which is a very good enhancement; in fact, it is one which I requested from Microsoft on the old Microsoft Connect website.

Microsoft took my suggestion, of being able to copy workflow steps, added this functionality, but then extended it further than I had asked for, by including the ability to copy the child steps too.

This makes the function even more useful than I envisaged.

If you’re a regular reader, you will be aware by now that I am very involved with Workflow and a big advocate of using the module. One of the issues we had in the past, was when building a large workflow process, the branches are often similar to each other with, perhaps, only the amount, cost centre or site in the conditions being different between the different branches.

In prior versions, all of these steps had to be manually created; when there were multiple conditios in a first level step this could means lot of duplicated effort. This new cipy function does away with that effort as you can now create a single branch and then copy this entire branch and sdimply change the relevant values in the condition. So much less effort and therefore time required.

To copy a workflow step, open the step in the Workflow Maintenance window (Administration area page >> Setup >> Company >> Workflow >> Workflow Maintenance) and click the Copy button on the action pane:

Workflow Maintenance - Copy button

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MS Dynamics World Article: Diving into Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018: 6 areas of community-driven enhancements

Microsoft Dynamics GPYesterday, MS Dynamics World published a I wrote for them on the new functionality of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018.

In just over three months, this is the second post I have written which has not been for my own blog (the last one was #GP2018 Feature of the Day: Workflow Unplugged. It is obviously quite a new experience for me, writing for other blogs, but it was a good experience.

This post is a round up of the new functionality in 6 areas of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM; I won’t post spoilers of the article, so you will need to go here to read it.

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: New Workflow Functionality – Reminder Emails

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The eighth feature if the day was Workflow Reminder Emails. This feature allows the Workflow manager to define a time after which a reminder email should be sent to the approver.

The Workflow Maintenance window (Administration area page >> Setup >> Company >> Workflow >> Workflow Maintenance) has has the Workflow Step pane amended to have a Reminder field which allows a number and type of duration to be defined; this field is linked to the Time Limit field:

Workflow Maintenance

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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 Vendor Change Workflow EFT Bug

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe last post I did was on Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Workflow Additional Fields, which included details on some errors I was encountering with the EFT fields. When Dynamics GP 2018 was announced, I heard that not only were these fields being added to the notification email, but that a user changing them would force the vendor to be resubmitted to workflow for approval.

The testing I did suggested this wasn’t happening. So, I wrote up a bug report with details of the errors and effect and sent it to Microsoft. This has now been written up as a bug for the development team to look into.

Nice to know that a fix is being looked into, it’s just a shame that it’s going to be a little which before this feature will be available; EFT payments is how 95%+ of supplier payments are made by my clients.

Update: This bug was fixed in the July 2018 Mid year tax Update.

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Workflow Additional Fields

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The seventh feature of the day is Workflow Additional Fields. Back when I posted the feature of the day post, I mentioned that I submitted an MS Connect Suggestion asking for the ability to add additional fields; I’d hoped for the ability for users to decide what fields were available to the emails, but Microsoft instead opted for adding a range of new fields themselves rather than giving users the choice.

Two of the workflow types have had extra fields added where they available in both the Workflow Condition Editor and Message Setup windows allowing you to build workflow steps and notification emails with them.:

  • Payables Transaction workflow has the following fields:
    • Vendor Account
    • Comment 1
    • Comment 2
    • Vendor Class ID
    • Payment Priority
  • Vendor workflow has all of the fields from the Address Electronic Funds Transfer Master (SY06000) table.
  • Two other workflow types have had the Account Description made available at the line level. These two workflow types are:

  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Requisition

The fields are available to the email messages in exactly the same way. In Message Setup (Administration area page >> Setup >> Company >> Workflow >> Message Setup) load in the Message ID and mark the Additional Fields checkbox; this will make more fields available in the drop down list:

Message Setup

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: New Workflows

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

One of my favourite new features in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM, are the new workflows which were introduced:

  • General Ledger Account Approval
  • Receivings Transaction Approval
  • Purchasing Invoice Approval

I’ve had a number of clients and prospects ask if it is possible to have approvals of goods receipt notes and invoices in POP, so it’s good that I can now say that there are. These workflows are likely to be fairly complicated, so, in this post, I am going to be giving a test to the General Ledger Account Approval workflow.

The workflow process is created and maintained just like any other via Workflow Maintenance (Administration area page >> Setup >> Company >> Workflow >> Workflow Maintenance):

Workflow Maintenance

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: New DocAttachs Available Via Inquiry Windows

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The third feature I’m going to take a look at is the enhanced DocAttach feature in the Inquiry windows. This feature ties in with the new security options introduced for DocAttach on Inquiry windows.

The enhancement made to the inquiry windows, is the ability to add new attachments to a posted document. This is a most welcome addition, but one which always surprised my by its omission.

I am using a purchase order invoice as the example. Before you can add new attachments, you need to enable the security. If you don’t enable security, you’ll see the Document Attachment Inquiry window when clicking the Attach button:

Document Attachment Inquiry

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