Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: On PO Generation Show Purchase Order Transactions Navigation List

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The twentieth feature of the day is On PO Generation Show Purchase Order Transactions Navigation List. When I heard of this feature, I initially thought it might be quite useful, but since I’ve been hands on, I’ve changed my mind.

The feature works by launching the Purchase Order Transactions navigation list when the purchase requisition is purchased and the purchase order created:

Purchase Order Transactions navigation list

My problem is that navigation lists can be quite slow to load, especially when Reporting Services Reports have been deployed. This feature would have been much better if it had been introduced with an option to enable/disable it (I’ve looked and can’t find one; if anyone knows different please let me know via the comments).

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Print Single Customer Statement

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The nineteenth feature of the day, is Email Single Customer Statement from the Customer Maintenance window (Sales >> Cards >> Customer), or at least that is how it was originally billed by Microsoft.

However, now that I’ve had the chance to get hands on with it, it is not the ability to email a statement, but only the ability to print one using the old Standard report. This is very disappointing as this new functionality doesn’t even allow the printing to the Word Template version of the template.

To print the single statement, open the Customer Maintenance window, load a customer, click the Print button to display a small menu, click Statement:

Customer Maintenance

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: SmartList Favorite Password Protection

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The eighteenth feature of the day is SmartList Favourite Password Protection.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2, SmartList Favourite Protection was introduced; however, this protection was via a global password for all SmartList Favourites.

In this 2018 new feature, Microsoft have added the ability to set a separate password for each favourite.

To do this, click the Favorites button. Enter a Name for the SmartList and enter the required password in the Password field.

Click Add:

Add or Remove Favorites

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Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Copy User Access Across AA Dimensions

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The seventeenth feature of the day is Copy User Access Across AA Dimensions.

Analytical Accounting is one of those modules which I, and a lot of other consultants, will try to guide clients away from. It is overly complex and time consuming to setup, use and, most certainly, to report from.

This new feature should, somewhat, simplify the configuration of access to alphanumeric dimensions by allowing the granted access to be copied between users.

To do this, open the User Access to Trx Dimension Codes window (Administration area page >> Setup >> Company >> Analytical Accounting >> User Access) and click the Copy button:

User Access to Trx Dimension Codes

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Copy User Access Across AA Dimensions”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Display Sales Hold Status

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The sixteenth feature of the day, is Display Sales Hold Status, which saw the introduction of a hold flag to the Sales Transaction Entry window (Sales area page >> Transactions >> Sales Transaction Entry):

Sales Transaction Entry

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New Microsoft Dynamics GP Suggestions Website Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPLast week, on the About Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog, Terry Heley announced the availability of the replacement of the Microsoft Connect website.

The replacement site is Experience Dynamics; you can read the site without being logged in, but voting and submitting suggestions requires being logged in.

Microsoft were always responsive to suggests logged on the old Microsoft Connect site, and I expect them to be as responsive to suggestions submitted to this new site. I’d encourage all users of Microsoft Dynamics GP, at both clients and partners, to submit their suggestions on how Dynamics GP can be improved.

Update Year on Budgets in Fabrikam Sample Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve written a few scripts to update data in the Fabrikam sample company (I will be posting a series index to link them all together in the near future).

The sample company ships with a few budgets preloaded, but they are not named very well. For example, the budget for 2027 (the year in which Fabrikam is operating) is named BUDGET 4 and the budget for 2025 is named BUDGET 2005.

Continue reading “Update Year on Budgets in Fabrikam Sample Company”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: System Password Remembered

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The fifteenth feature of the day, is Remember System Password.

The new feature means that the system password now only needs to be entered once per session:

Enter the system password.

If you have ever needed to build a new security model for Dynamics GP, you will have become heartily sick of having to enter the system password multiple times. In fact, every single time a protected window was opened, the password needed to be entered.

This feature is a most welcome one, but has one drawback. Once entered, the system password is remembered for the rest of the session. This means if you enter it for a user, such as, for example, to give them access to the VAT Return window, they can then access any other window which is usually protected with the system password.

This shouldn’t generally be a problem as the security roles would have locked down the security windows so normal users wouldn’t see them, but it is something to be aware of and consider.

Click to show/hide the Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features Series Index

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Web Client Changes

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The fourteenth feature of the day is Web Client Changes; this feature groups together three features.

The first of the features, is the extension of the AutoComplete from the desktop client into the web client. This means that when an ID has been entered once, it will be remembered and listed when the user starts to type the ID again (within the limits of the AutoComplete User Preferences:

Web Client AutoComplete

Continue reading “Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Web Client Changes”

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Save Build Payment Batch Settings

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The thirteenth feature of the day is Save Build Payment Batch Settings. This feature allows you to save restrictions for the Build Payment Batch window. The idea behind this functionality, is that it can save time building the restrictions, if yuo use the same or very similar restrictions each time.

As an example, I have added restrictions for Class ID and Payment Priority:

Build Payment Batch

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