Jet Reports 2018 R2 New Features

Jet ReportsI wrote a blog post on Implementing Jet Reports earlier this year. While I was mid-series a new version of Jet Reports was released, Jet Reports 2018 R2.

Jet Reports published a blog post on the new features and there are some quite nice ones included.

  • Run Reports directly from your Windows Desktop – Run your reports without even starting Excel; just right-click and the new task tray app will let you know when your report is ready.
  • Run Reports in the Background within Excel – No need to wait for your report before you can start using Excel as you can run your report in the background and continue working with your other Excel files.
  • Updated Jet Ribbon and Windows within Excel – The Jet ribbon has been updated and the entire user interface has been refreshed to be more consistent.

    Several items have been rearranged to be easier to find and other related items have been grouped together for a cleaner experience; all configuration settings have been combined under a single button and the run options have also been consolidated.

    In an effort to better explain what they do, the Refresh and Report buttons have been renamed to Run and Run from Cache, respectively.

Details on all of the changes are available on the Jet Reports blog.

Organisational Accounts for Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018

Microsoft Dynamics GPWith the release of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 July Hotfix you now have the option of using Azure Active Directory Organization Accounts for the originator, approver and manager roles in Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow.

Making Azure Organisation Accounts work with Workflow for originators, approvers and managers now means that Workflow can be used in pure Azure environments which do not have a traditional Domain Controller available.

Lucas Miller on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog has a blog post running through the steps to configure and install the necessary components to use this new functionality.

GP Transaction Search v2: Customising the Configuration

Winthrop DCThis post is part of the series on installing and configuring version 2 of this free GP Transaction Search addin from Steve Endow of Precipio Services.

GP Transaction Search is usable as soon as it has been installed, but can be customised in two ways by amending the GP.TransactionSearch.dll.config which is in the addins folder.

Firstly, you can change the SearchAsYouType valuer from True to False; I’d recommend this change for large datasets or where speed issues are detected:


Continue reading “GP Transaction Search v2: Customising the Configuration”

GP Transaction Search v2: Downloading and Installing

Winthrop DCThis post is part of the series on installing and configuring version 2 of this free GP Transaction Search addin from Steve Endow of Precipio Services.

Now that the prerequisites are installed we can download and install the addin. GP Transaction Search can be downloaded from Precipio Services:

Precipio Services

Continue reading “GP Transaction Search v2: Downloading and Installing”

GP Transaction Search v2: Installing the Prerequisites

Winthrop DCThis post is part of the series on installing and configuring version 2 of this free GP Transaction Search addin from Steve Endow of Precipio Services.

In version 2 there is a new prerequisite; the Visual Studio Integration Toolkit (VSIT) from Winthrop DC. In version 1, the GP Transaction Search window replaced the Transaction by Document window; in this version, VSIT has been used to allow the GP Transaction Search windows have their own menus.

VSIT is a separate download; there is a download for each version of Microsoft Dynamics GP going back to 2010. Select the correct version and download the file:

Continue reading “GP Transaction Search v2: Installing the Prerequisites”

GP Transaction Search v2: Available Search Windows

Winthrop DCThis post is part of the series on installing and configuring version 2 of this free GP Transaction Search addin from Steve Endow of Precipio Services.

The second version of GP transaction Search has followed along after version one very quickly. Despite that, it has gone from one search window for Payables Transactions, to including search windows for Receivables Management and Sales Order Processing.

In version one, the search window took over the menu of Transaction by Creditor Enquiry, but in this version, Steve has utilised the Visual Studio Integration Toolkit from Winthrop Development Consultants to create menus for each window:

Purchasing menuSales menu

GP Transaction Search v2: Series Index

Winthrop DCSteve Endow of Precipio Services has recently launched a new GP Transaction Search addin for Microsoft Dynamics GP. The initial version had only a PM Transaction Search which replaces the Transaction by Document window (Purchasing » Inquiry » Trx by Document) in the Purchasing series.

Following very quickly on from version one, is a second version of the addin which contains a number of enhancements; I decided to do this second series as the installation if v2 differs substantially from v1.

Over the next few posts, I’m going to be taking a look at the installation, configuration and future of version 2 of this add-on.

GP Transaction Search v2
Available Search Windows
Installing the Prerequisites
Downloading and Installing
Customising the Configuration

Find Unique Records in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excelnot very good with Microsoft Excel. People often think that I am becuae I can concatenate data and write if statements and other formula, but, beyond this, my knowledge is very shallow.

There are things that I know you must be able to do, but have no idea how. As such, I often default to loading data into SQL Server to manipluate. When dealng with large quantities of data, I think this is still the best thing to do, but for smaller datasets, using Excel makes more sense.

There may be a number of other posts, covering fairly simple functionality in Microsoft Excel, that I post in future as reminders for myself.

The first of these Excel tips, is identifying unique data. In Excel this is actually quite simple (once you know how).

If I wanted to identify how many unique vendor ids I had in a dataset, I can do this in only a small number of steps.

Select the columns containing the data I want to search; in this case, the Vendor ID and Vendor Name columns. Select the DataSort & Filter section, click Advanced:

Microsot Excel

Continue reading “Find Unique Records in Microsoft Excel”

Microsoft Dynamics GP July Hotfix – 2018 Mid Year Tax Update Released

Microsoft Dynamics GPBack at the end of June, Microsoft released the Microsoft Dynamics GP July Hotfix – 2018 Mid Year Tax Update. I’ve delayed posting as there was a retraction and re-release of the hotfix due to some changes in Ontario tax and I decided to give it a little time to settle down.

There are a number of bug fixes in this release, two of which I reported to Microsoft:

Both of these fixes have been reported as fixed, so I will be giving this a test over the next few days, as I have a few clients waiting for these fixes.

Everyone will have their own notable fixes, but below is the list of items which I think will have relvance to my clients:

  • You may notice the Cash Receipts Inquiry Zoom window is cut off in certain areas, missing fields, after you upgrade to Dynamics GP 2018.
  • If a user’s workstations regional settings are set to the date format of DDMMYYY, transaction entry screens in web client does not reflect this date format. The main date in the top right corner does, but transaction entry screens do not. They show as MMDDYYY.
  • The VAT report was not including transactions that originated from General Ledger.
  • The VAT Report does not mark off transactions in the TX30000 table when regional settings are DATE/TIME format set to English-UK.
  • PM Payables Transaction Workflow A get/change operation on table ‘PM_Transcation_WORK’ failed.

For the full list of fixes, see the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog blog for full details and download links for supported versions of Dynamics GP (2015, 2016 and 2018).

Download links for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 are below: