MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Print Invoices in Functional Currency from SOP Navigation List

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The sixth Feature of the Day is print invoices in functional currency from SOP navigation list.

This new feature will allow users to print Sales Order Processing documents from the Sales Transactions navigation list in the functional currency; previously the invoices would print in the priginating currency with no option to change.

The ribbon, which allows printing, has been updated to add a Currency to Print field which allows you to toggle between Originating and Functional. The default remains as Original so that existing behvaiour remains, but this can be toggled each time to Funcational.

I am delighted to see this option introduced as it is a feature I requested back in 2014. The client this request originally came from is starting to plan their upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 as well, so very nicely timed.

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New GP Resource Added: Microsoft Dynamics GP Books

Microsoft Dynamics GPRather than just leaving the Microsoft Dynamics GP Book Roundup as a post, I have made it a page available from the GP Resources menu.

I will be doing my best to keep this page up to date; if I have missed any books on Microsoft Dynamics GP, please get in touch and let me know so I can add the book.

I accidentally missed the Dynamics GP 2016 Security and Field Audit book by Mark Polino and Andy Snook from the round up post, but have added it to the page.

The new GP books resource page is here.

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Print and E-mail Sales Order Processing Documents

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The fifth Feature of the Day is print and e-mail Sales Order Processing documents.

This new feature add a new option to print and e-mail Sales Order Processing documents at the same time. In the Sales Document Print Options window, you can now select Print Document and Send Document in E-mail at the same time:

Previously, you had to e-mail the documents and then print the remaining but now you can do both at the same time.

On the surface, this sounds like it should be a nice little time saving new feature, but I’m wondering how this ties in with print remaining documents, introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2. I’ll have to wait until I can get hads on to find out.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Option to Hide Business Analyzer for all Users

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The fourth Feature of the Day is an option to hide Business Analyzer for all users.

Two new options have been introduced in the System Preferences window (Administration area page » Setup » System » System Preferences) which allows administrators to hide Business Analyzer on both the Home Page and on Navigation List pages.

The two new checkboxes for these options are:

  • Display Business Analyzer on Home Page
  • Display Business Analyzer on Navigation List pages

These are global settings to make it easier to turn off the feature if clients are not using Business Analyzer in any of their companies.

Individual users can still choose to turn on Business Analyzer using the customize home page layout options.

System Preferences

There is a definite need to switch off the Business Analyser fact panein navigation lists (I’ve previously created a script to disable it).

Being able to globally switch it off from both the navigation lists and home page is a great addition; I don’t know of any clients who actually use Business Analyzer on either the home page or navigation lists.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP Book Roundup

Microsoft Dynamics GPThere are a number of books available for Microsoft Dynamics GP which have been written by various people across a umber of years (although a few names crop up repeatedly). I thought it might be useful to list the books which are currently available for each version of Microsoft Dynamics GP; some of the books are only available for older versions of Dynamics GP, but the information within is still mostly relevant.

To avoid any appearence of favouritism, I have listed them in Dynamics GP version and author surname order (when multiple authors, the first listed author’s name is used).

Where there is no version in the name I have made by best guess as to which version it was written against.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP Book Roundup”

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Display Vendor Hold Status

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The third Feature of the Day is display vendor hold status.

This is similar to the customer hold status implemented in an earlier version of Dynamics GP in that it provides a visual indicator of the vendor status:

Vendor Inquiry

Continue reading “MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Display Vendor Hold Status”

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Sales Transaction Approval Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The second Feature of the Day is Sales Transaction Approval Workflow:

Workflow Maintenance

With this new workflow type, available in the Workflow Maintenance window (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Workflow » Workflow Maintenance) you can set approval all Sales Order Processing transaction types including approvals based on customer credit limits

Standard Workflow functionality, notification and action emails as well as visible workflow history on enquiry windows, is available for this workflow type.

If you’re reading this post, then you must be aware that Workflow is one of my favourite areas of the system. As such, I am always happy to see Workflow introduced into new areas; especially when, as with this Sales Transaction Approval Workflow, it is one I have had several customers ask about ever since Workflow was first introduced.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Monthly Recurring Batches

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The first Feature of the Day is monthly recurring batches. This new feature allows ou to, on both Monthly and Bi-monthly batches to mark a Use last day of month checkbox which will update the Posting Date to the last day of the month.

This functionality has been added to Receivables Management, Payables Management and Inventory Control:

Receivables Batch Entry

The example above, shows a receivabled batch dates 30/04/2027 which, with the new checkbox marked, will automatically set the posting date to the last day of the month. So, when the batch is posted the next posting date would be set to May 31.

My initial impression was that this would be a good addition, until I realised that it did not include the General Ledger Financial Batches. I can’t think of a single client who uses recurring batches in any of Receivables, Payables or Inventory.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for the soon to be released Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2.

Over the coming days and weeks, I’ll be following the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP team blog and including my own commentary on the new features. Check back regularly to see the new features as they are announced.

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day
Monthly Recurring Batches
Sales Transaction Approval Workflow
Display Vendor Hold Status
Option to Hide Business Analyzer for all Users
Print and E-mail Sales Order Processing Documents
Print Invoices in Functional Currency from SOP Navigation List
Transaction Level Post Through General Ledger
Vendor Document Number added to Purchasing All-in-One View
New SmartList for Deposits on Unposted Sales Transactions Has Been Created
Exclude Items on HITB Report With Zero Quantity or Value
Increase Dynamics GP Password Maximum Length
Password Expiration Notification
Email Customer Statements
Duplicate Check Numbers Option Extended
Start Date and End Date for Each Pay Code
shared maximum benefit and deduction code in Payroll.
New Totals Print on the Payroll Check Register report for FICA
Checkbook ID Defaults on Check Batch
Option To Not Display Inactive Checkbooks in Lookup
SmartList Designer Favourites in Navigation List
Letter Writing Assistant in Web Client
Mass Update Master Records from Navigation List
New Sort Options in Sales Order Processing Item Inquiry Window
Ship To Address Retained by Customer Combiner
Purchase Requisition Partial Purchase
Email POP PO Other Form

The Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog is also running a series on the Dynamics GP 2018 R2 and year end upgrade which is worth a read.

Installing Notepad++: Plugin Manager Removed in Notepad++ 7.5

Notepad++This post is part of the series on installing Notepad++’.

The plugin manager was never an integral part of Notepad++, but always shipped as part of the standard installer. This changed as of version 7.5.

I only recently discovered this when installing Notepad++ on a newy rebuilt PC. I came to install the Compare plugin and couldn’t find the Plugin Manager entry on the Plugins menu:

Notepad++ Plugin Manager

Continue reading “Installing Notepad++: Plugin Manager Removed in Notepad++ 7.5”