MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: shared maximum benefit and deduction code in Payroll.

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The sixteenth Feature of the Day is shared maximum benefit and deduction code in Payroll..

Thsi feature is a shared maximum benefit and deduction code in Payroll. A new Ded/Ben Shared Limit Setup window allows you to setup a calendar year maximum for multiple benefit and deduction codes. When the check run is processed, it will look at the year-to-date amount and compare it to the calendar year max in this new window.

Ded/Ben Shared Limit Setup

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Start Date and End Date for Each Pay Code

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The fifteenth Feature of the Day is a new Start Date and End Date for each pay code.

This feature adds a new Start Date and End Date for each pay code in the Employee Pay Code Maintenance window. This is used when building the check run as to whether to include the selected pay codes; so if the check run is before the start date or after the end date, that pay code will not be included.

Employee Pay Code Maintenance

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Duplicate Check Numbers Option Extended

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The fourteenth Feature of the Day is Duplicate Check Numbers option extended.

This feature sees the Checkbook Maintenance (Financial area page » Cards » Chechbook) option to allow or not allow Duplicate Check Numbers extended to other windows. This means that if this option is not marked, duplicate checks are not allowed in these three windows. Previously, this option only applied to Payables checkbooks but now it includes:

  • Bank Transaction Entry
  • Payroll Manual Checks
  • Miscellaneous Checks
Chequebook Maintenance

I don’t recall this ever coming up before, so I actually thought the Bank Transaction Entry and Miscellaneous Checks window already did this. That said, we don’t have that many clients using the standard Bank Rec window and none would use the Miscellaneous Checks window as virtually all payments in the UK are via EFT.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Email Customer Statements

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The thirteenth Feature of the Day is Email Customer Statements.

This Feature of the Day is all about convenience of sending customer statements. In Dynamics GP 2018 R2 users can email customer statements directly from a button on the action pane in the Customer Maintenance window (Sales area page » Cards » Customer). This new E-mail option will automatically send the statement to the email address setup for the customer:

Customer Maintenance

This feature builds on the Single Customer Statement new feature from Dynamics GP 2018 RTM; the original feature of the day post from Microsoft said “print”, but the linked PowerPoint dsaid “email”.

I believed the email part and when I got hands on with the feature was disappointed to find it was only a print.

I’m assuming this feature for 2018 R2 is in response to my, and others, feedback on the print option. I’m very happy to see this has been expanded to an email option now as this will make this feature usable to quite a few of my clients.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Password Expiration Notification

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The twelfth Feature of the Day is a password expiration notification.

This feature is a new notification reminding you that your password will expire in 7 days and prompting you to change it:

Password will expire in 7 days. Do you want to change it now?

I’d be a lot happier if the number of days is configurable as a reminder and reset prompt starting 7 days before expiry is too early a reminder. I have a few clients who have a password policy of the password expiring and needing to be reset every 30 days.

All a prompt 7 days before does is encourage users to change their password when first prompted; this means they change their passwords every three weeks. This massively contributes to password fatigue, leading to the users writing down their password on a post-it note as they don’t, or won’t, remember the password.

A very laudable addition, much beloved by people who write password policies, but, in my experience, the reality on the ground is that this type of policy and early reminder causes more problems than it solves.

Perhaps people would like to share their experience/perspective below? (Due to massive amounts of spam, comments need to be approved before they appear).

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Increase Dynamics GP Password Maximum Length

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The eleventh Feature of the Day is increase Dynamics GP password maximum length.

This feature see the maximum length of the password usable with Dynamics GP increased from 15 to 21 characters.

Microsoft say that the length of the password in SQL is 21 and this has been matched that so now the maximum password length is the same for Dynamics GP.

User Password Setup

I’m not sure where in SQL the length is 21, as in Dynamics GP 2018 RTM, the password length on Users Master (SY01400) is 15 keyable characters; SQL Server supports password lengths of 128 characters.

While 21 characters is an improvement over 15, it would have been nice to see even longer passwords supported.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Exclude Items on HITB Report With Zero Quantity or Value

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The tenth Feature of the Day is exclude items on HITB report with zero quantity or value

The Historical Inventory Trial Balance (HITB) report has two new options for Dynamics GP 2018 R2; when printing the HITB report you can now decide if you want to include/exclude items with a zero quantity or value. The new options are:

  • Include Items with Zero Quantity
  • Include Items with Zero Value

These items will be excluded on the report if the options are not checked; previously, by default, these items were included. Make sure the checkboxes are unmakred to exclude the items with either zero value or quantity:

Inventory Activity Report Options

This is a good update to the HITB; I have a number of clients with large number of items which will generally have a zero quantity of stock while having other items with stock levels they on which they would want to report. Being able to exclude these will make the report usable.

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MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: New SmartList for Deposits on Unposted Sales Transactions Has Been Created

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The ninth Feature of the Day is a new SmartList for deposits on unposted Sales Transactions has been created.

Deposits on Unposted Sales Transactions is a new favorite under Sales Transactions so you can quickly see customers that have put a deposit on a sales transaction but the sales transaction hasn’t been posted; no more searching through the sales records to see the deposits, now you have a new SmartList to view the details:

New SmartList for Deposits on Unposted Sales Transactions Has Been Created

Continue reading “MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: New SmartList for Deposits on Unposted Sales Transactions Has Been Created”

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Transaction Level Post Through General Ledger

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The seventh Feature of the Day is transaction level post through general ledger. This feature is a new posting option in the Posting Setup window (Administration area page » Setup » Posting » Posting); when Allow Transaction Posting is marked, a new checkbox for Post Through General Ledger Files is now available:

Posting Setup

Continue reading “MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Transaction Level Post Through General Ledger”

MDGP 2018 R2 Feature of the Day: Vendor Document Number added to Purchasing All-in-One View

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on which I am following and adding commentary. The series index for this series of posts is here.

The eighth Feature of the Day is the Vendor Document Number has been added to the Purchasing All-in-One View.

The All-in-One View is great for viewing related documents but most times the vendor document number is the one known, not the GP document number. So it has been added in the payments and credit documents columns for easy reference:

Purchasing All-in-One View

It has always been possible to filter the Invoice column based on the vendor document number, but this is a nice small addition to the window which will improve data visibility.

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