Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Mass Update Master Records from Navigation List

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

The nineteeth new feature is Mass Update Master Records from Navigation List. This feature today is the ability to mass update a group of master records from the Navigation Lists; you can now inactivate and reactive multiple records at the same time for the following master record types:

  • Accounts
  • Checkbooks
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Items
  • Employees
  • In addition, the vendor navigation list allows you to mass update the temporary status; a visual indicator quickly lets you know the status of these records:

    Vendors navigation list

    With one caveat I like this new feature. Since they were introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10, clients have been making more and more use of navigation lists; more interactivity can only be a good thing and the indicators make it easy to see the status of creditors.

    My caveat, is the presence of the option to toggle Temporary status. This is used by almost no clients and is very risky as temporary creditors can be deleted, regardless of history.

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    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Letter Writing Assistant in Web Client

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The eighteenth new feature is Letter Writing Assistant in Web Client. This feature adds one of the few remaining areas that wasn’t previously accessible to the web client.

    The Letter Writing Assistant is available via SmartList; for example, run a Vendors SmartList and the click on the Word button and click Prepare a Creditor Letter:

    SmartList prepare a Creditor Letter

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    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: SmartList Designer Favourites in Navigation List

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The seventeenth new feature is SmartList Designer Favourites in Navigation List. This feature will see favourites created for SmartList Designer SmartList objects added to the SmartList Favorites navigation list.

    As an example, I have created a Vendor EFT SmartList object in SmartList Designer and saved a couple of favourites:

    SmartList - Vendor EFT

    Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: SmartList Designer Favourites in Navigation List”

    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Option To Not Display Inactive Checkbooks in Lookup

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The sixteenth new feature is Option To Not Display Inactive Checkbooks in Lookup. This feature allows users to hide inactive checkbooks when performing a lookup.

    When doing a lookup on Checkbook ID, click the blue bar above the list and select Exclude Inactive Checkbooks:


    Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Option To Not Display Inactive Checkbooks in Lookup”

    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Checkbook ID Defaults on Check Batch

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The fifteenth new feature is Checkbook ID Defaults on Check Batch. This feature means that when you create a new EFT payment batch in Payables Management, the Checkbook ID field will be automatically populated from Payables Management Setup:

    Payables Batch Entry

    Again, this is a small feature, but will save users time selecting the chequebook when creating a payment batch. It never really made sense that the chequebook would default in on a cheque batch, but not on an EFT one. This has now been remedied so both types of payment batch work the same way.

    Click to show/hide the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features Series Index

    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Duplicate Check Numbers Option Extended

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The fourteenth new feature is Duplicate Check Numbers Option Extended.

    This feature sees the Checkbook Maintenance (Financial area page » Cards » Chechbook) option to allow or not allow Duplicate Check Numbers extended to other windows. This means that if this option is not marked, duplicate checks are not allowed in these three windows. Previously, this option only applied to Payables checkbooks but now it includes:

    • Bank Transaction Entry
    • Payroll Manual Checks
    • Miscellaneous Checks
    Checkbook  Maintenance

    Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Duplicate Check Numbers Option Extended”

    Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Email Customer Statements

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features series in which I am going hands on with the new features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 (which was released on the 2nd October). I reblogged the new features as Microsoft announced them along with some commentary of how I thought they would be received by both my clients and I. In this series, I will be hands on with them giving feedback of how well they work in reality.

    The thirteenth new feature is Email Customer Statements. This feature of the day allows a single statement to be emailed to a customer direct from the Customer Maintenance window (Sales area page » Cards » Customer) using the Email button on the action pane:

    Customer Maintenance

    Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 New Features: Email Customer Statements”

    ClassicPress Roadmap Released

    ClassicPressClassicPress, the community-led project which forks WordPress 4.9.9 has just released a development roadmap covering the first and second versions. As ClassicPress is community-led, the roadmap might change based on the community needs and desires.

    It’s extremely important to note that version 1.x of ClassicPress will be fully backwards compatible with WordPress 4.9.x. We won’t introduce any changes or features that would cause plugins or themes to break.

    WordPress 4.9 itself will be maintained for the next few years and plugin/theme authors will need to remain compatible with this version. As such ClassicPress confidently state that the vast majority of plugins and themes will continue to work with ClassicPress for many years to come.

    The roadmap map can be read in full here.

    ClassicPress 1.0.0 Beta 2 Now Available

    ClassicPressEarly today, ClassicPress 1.0.0-beta2 was released; this is a security release with changes pulled from WordPress 4.9.9, which has the same security fixes as WordPress 5.0.1. ClassicPress has also fixed all known cases of an issue where certain security scanners were incorrectly detecting ClassicPress sites as WordPress 1.0.0.

    I’ve upgraded two of my sites to Beta 2 without issue:

    ClassicPress 1.0.0.Beta2 upgrade finished

    You can find more information or download the full release on GitHub.

    If you’re on Beta one, you can click the Upload link on your ClassicPress admin section.