The Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily as well as adding my won commentary.
The series index for this series of posts is here.
The eighteenth Feature of the Day is actually a set of distinct feature enhancements to the Purchase Order Processing module around the handling of purchase requisitions and orders. I am breaking this down into three separate posts, as the changes are not related beyond being about purchase requisitions and orders.
The final enhancement is the addition of a print button to the Purchase Requisition Entry window which allows the requisition to be printed:
I’d say I have very mixed feelings on this one, but, to be entirely honest, my feelings are actually very much on the negative side. One of the reasons for using requisitions is to have approval workflows. With a requisition needing to be approved before being purchased, there is no way for a PO to be emailed or printed; I realise this print option doesn’t print a PO, but it does print the requisition. This opens the system to potential abuse.
This can be limited through the creation or modification of security tasks which do not give access to this window; or the report could be customised to be in a format which could not be presented as if it was a PO.