The other day I posted about a problem with the online version of Outlook in Office 365 stripping the View/Edit link from the Workflow notification emails. This was confirmed as a bug with the online version of Office 365 with a recommendation from Microsoft Dynamics GP Support to raise a call with the Office 365 team.
That’s going to be a long term solution to the problem, where the client would much rather have a fix in the short term.
Well, no fix in the short term, but I realised there was probably a very simple workaround to the problem.
I constructed a custom link on the Email Message which has the same query string as the normal drill down link, but I replaced the dgpp and server parts of the link with a link to a custom page on my website (see selected section):

<a href='{%Requisition Number%}&bHistory=0'<{%Requisition Number%}</a>
The PHP webpage I created is configured to do a redirect to the dgpp drill down link used by Microsoft Dynamics GP and append the query string from the email hyperlink:
header('Location: dgpp://DGPB/?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], true, $statusCode);
When I tested this on my demo environment it worked perfectly. I then passed it across to the client and they are currently testing.
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