The below error message was reported to me by a user performing UAT (User Acceptance Testing) on an implementation of Purchase Order Processing and Workflow 2.0:

Microsoft Dynamics GP
You cannot print an unauthorized purchase order
This error was somewhat surprising as it was produced when trying to print a purchase order (PO) which had been converted from a purchase requisition (PR). There was a workflow process on the PR, which had been final approved and the PO created, but there was not a workflow on the PO.
I double checked to make sure that the old Purchase Order Enhancements (POE) Approvals functionality was disabled (it was) as the customer had previously been using this.
It was when I was checking for POE Approvals, that I realised that, as part of the project, we had enabled the PO Commitments part of POE.
The warning message was being produced as the PO line had exceeded the commitment budget value. Loading the PO, clicking the save button, accepting the override of the commitment budget value, reloading the PO and clicking the Print button successfully printed the PO.
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