Just before Christmas I was creating an integration for a client in Integration Manager which would integrate Sales Orders, but unfortunately I was receiving an error message:

Integration Log
Integration: Eriks SO Integration (ID: 8)
Action: None
Start Time: 23/12/2016 11:05:38
23/12/2016 11:05:38 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Opening source query...
23/12/2016 11:05:38 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Initializing Source...
23/12/2016 11:05:38 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Establishing source record count...
23/12/2016 11:05:38 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Beginning integration...
1: Order Insert Failed 5. Seconds
DOC 1 ERROR: The Sales Intrastat Entry window is open. - The Sales Intrastat Entry window is open.
23/12/2016 11:05:43 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Failed
23/12/2016 11:05:43 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Results
1 documents were read from the source query.
1 documents were attempted:
0 integrated without warnings.
0 integrated with warnings.
1 failed to integrate.
Finish Time: 23/12/2016 11:05:43
Source Total: 1
Successfully Integrated: 0
Integrated With Warning: 0
Failed: 1
Completion Status: Completed
Integration Status: No Documents Succeeded
This was somewhat unusual as, while the client is using Intrastat, all of the fields are set to default from either the Intrstat setup, the Debtor or Item so I was expecting Integration Manager to handle it without issue.
I did some investigating and tried a few different things and found that by setting the Record Source option on the Options tab for the Intrastat node to Use Source Recordset and configuring the recordset to use was sufficient for the integration to stop erroring:
I was able to leave all of the Fields set to Use Default:
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