MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer SmartLists in Advanced Lookups

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here

The first Feature of the Day is SmartList Designer SmartLists in Advanced Lookups:

SmartList Favorite

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MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog ha sstarted posting their Feature of the Day Posts on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2. As usual, their posts are in the form of a PowerPoint slideshow and, as normal, I am going to convert their posts into posts here with a little commentary.

I may lag behind them somewhat as we are very busy at the moment and even I do need a little sleep occasionally.

That said, you can bookmark this post to keep an eye on the series index which will automatically update as I post each Feature of the Day.

Click to show/hide the MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day Series Index