Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.
However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.
The second post in this series, covers the installation of the System database. This is the database which holds the deployed companies and security configuration amongst oither items. To install the System database, run GP Utilities from the Start screen.
Despite what seems to be a regular argument I seem to have with Infrastructure people, you must log into GP Utilities using the sa account in order to be able to install the System database (no “ifs”, no “buts”; it must be sa):

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