One moment of sheer recklessness tonight saw me accidentally delete the database for this site.
To further compound the error, the most recent backup I can find is from the end of December (December 21 to be exact).
I have restored this database and will be adding back in the missing posts which were syndicated to the Dynamics GP Community and also the Perfect Image Dynamics GP site.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to recover the comments, pings or trackbacks which were received after the 21st December 2014. I will also go through all of the pages looking for missing changes I have made elsewhere.
Off the top of my head the only items I remember changing was the links page where I will have added Beat Bucher and Mahmoud al Saudis blogs to the MVP section; if you do see anything which looks wrong or has missing content, please use the Contact Us form to let me know.
Finally, please learn from my error and make regular backups of your site; and also keep a track of those backups so you know where they are and can access them quickly.