After doing a little work linking databases together for a report, I ended up creating a script to be used within a stored procedure to quickly and easily re-add the linked server (which is required after a reboot of the SQL Server.
To run the script, change the three highlighted fields (server-name, username and password) and click Execute in SQL Server Management Studio:
DECLARE @Server AS VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @Username AS VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @Password AS VARCHAR(50) SET @Server = 'server-name' SET @Username = 'username' SET @Password = 'password' CREATE TABLE #linkedservers (SRV_NAME VARCHAR(50) ,PROV_NAME VARCHAR(50) ,SRV_PROD VARCHAR(50) ,SRV_DATA VARCHAR(50) ,SRV_STRING VARCHAR(50) ,SRV_LOC VARCHAR(50) ,SRV_CAT VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO #linkedservers EXEC sp_linkedservers IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #linkedservers WHERE SRV_NAME = @Server) < 1 EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @Server, 'SQL Server' DROP TABLE #linkedservers EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @Server, 'false', NULL, @Username, @Password
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