In the last post, I showed how to configure the server of Microsoft Dynamics GP by creating the System database. In this post I’m going to run through the company creation process.
To create the company, open GP Utilities (
) by right clicking and select Run as Administrator. Log in as the SQL System Administrator (sa);
The first page of GP Utilities is just a welcome blurb explaining that GP Utilities is used to set up or upgrade Microsoft Dynamics GP;

GP Utilities will check that the system database version matches the version of GP Utilities;

If there are companies already in the system they will also be checked. If the companies match the version or if there is no companies currently created, GP Utilities will progress to the Additional Tasks page where you can select to create a company in the combo. Once you’ve selected this option, click the Process button;

Enter a database/Company ID and Name. The Company ID is restricted to five characters which can include letters and numbers. The Company Name can be longer and should be set to the companies legal name (as it can be used on report and form outputs from the system).
If you’re creating a test system enter <TEST> at the end of the company name which will cause a warning to be displayed to the users when they log into the test company.
You can also choose to load the shipping methods and payment terms as well as a default chart of accounts.
The final option is the ability to copy access from an existing company which will reduce the amount of work needed to give users access to the new company;

Accept or alter the default entries for the location of the data and log files of the company database;

Check the creation options and confirm the company should be created;

Choose whether the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services reports and the Excel reports should be deployed;

If you selected to deploy the SQL Server Reporting Services Reports you’ll be prompted to pick the Report Server Mode and the report server and manager URLs. These will be defaulted in from the settings defined when the System was configured but can be changed as required.
Before deploying the SQL Reporting Services reports make sure the maxRequestLength has been corrected;

Enter the location and Network Share to be used for deploying the Excel Reports. The share location should be entered using a UNC path to a shared network location rather than a mapped drive;

Confirm the selections are accurate, but before deploying the SQL Reporting Services reports make sure the maxRequestLength has been corrected (as described mid-way down the linked post);

The report deployment will take a short time to run through but will display progress bars to show progress;

Choose whether to set up the company later, to set it up using the configuration wizard or to migrate existing data using the migration wizard.
I’ve selected the set up company later option as I always do the configuration manually to make sure it is as required;

After selecting the previous option, I was returned to the Additional Tasks window where I can either create another company or alternatively click Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP to start GP;

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