Microsoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.
The twenty first feature they’ve announced is Multicurrency Apply in RM Cash Receipts.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP2013 Receivables Management you can apply multicurrency cash receipts against invoices as you enter them.
This will speed up data entry time and reduce the number of steps you currently take to apply invoices and payments.
The Apply and Auto-Apply buttons can be selected, and the multicurrency invoices will display in the Apply Sales Documents window to be applied;

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:
- Accounts Receivable
- Accountant
- Bookeeper
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Does eConnect allow multicurrency apply as well now? Previous versions did not allow this
I’ve not really looked into this before, but based on the eConnect API I don’t believe it does.