Controlling Support Debugging Tool Manual Logging Mode

Microsoft Dynamics GPToday, on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog, David Musgrave continues his series of posts on the Support Debugging Tool which is definitely worth following.

If you haven’t read the first post on understanding logging modes take a read here.

The series continues with a post on controlling manual logging modes in the Support Debugging Tool.

Mark Polino’s Weekly MS Connect Suggestion – Auto Deposit of Cash Receipts in Bank

Microsoft Dynamics GPContinuing Mark Polino’s weekly series of posts recommending an MS Connect suggestion.

This weeks is a vote on adding an option to allow bank deposits to be automatically posted in Bank Reconciliation; this would be of great benefit if you’re receiving lots of individual payments hitting your bank account such as standing orders or BACS transfers which at present requires someone to post each one manually.

If you’d be interested in seeing this change made, please go to Connect and vote.