SQL Server Management Studio Not Allowing Table Changes That Require A Table To Be Dropped

Microsoft SQL ServerI was doing some work with a custom table yesterday and at one point needed to make a change to the table layout via SQL Server Management Studio. However, when I tried, I got the below error message;

Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can

I’d renamed a column which is why the table needed to be dropped and re-created but this should have been possible (I’ve definitely done this before); I also hadn’t changed any options is SQL Server Management Studio.

The option Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation (Tools » Options » Designers » Table and Database Designers) is in the Options dialog;


It was indeed enabled but I hadn’t been into the Options since loading SQL so being prevented from saving changes which require tables to be dropped and re-created is actually the default option. I unchecked the option and tried resaving the changes to the table; this time successfully.

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