Earlier this week I posted about a bug in Integration Manager where it added extra zeros into the phone and fax number fields when importing creditors. Well, the same bug also affects debtors but a similar script to update debtors via a CSV is also possible.
The following script is basically the same script I used for creditors with the table and column names changed where necessary;
CREATE TABLE #NewDebtorAddressMaster (CUSTNMBR VARCHAR(100) ,ADRSCODE VARCHAR(100) ,PHONE1 VARCHAR(100) ,PHONE2 VARCHAR(100) ,PHONE3 VARCHAR(100) ,FAX VARCHAR(100)) GO BULK INSERT #NewDebtorAddressMaster FROM 'c:\temp\debtors.csv' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',' ,ROWTERMINATOR = '\n') GO UPDATE ['RM Address Master'] SET PHONE1 = Left(#NewDebtorAddressMaster.PHONE1, 14) ,PHONE2 = Left(#NewDebtorAddressMaster.PHONE2, 14) ,PHONE3 = Left(#NewDebtorAddressMaster.PHONE3, 14) ,FAX = Left(#NewDebtorAddressMaster.FAX, 14) FROM RM00102 AS ['RM Address Master'] INNER JOIN #NewDebtorAddressMaster ON #NewDebtorAddressMaster.CUSTNMBR = ['RM Address Master'].CUSTNMBR AND #NewDebtorAddressMaster.ADRSCODE = ['RM Address Master'].ADRSCODE UPDATE ['RM Debtor Master'] SET PHONE1 = LEFT(['RM Address Master'].PHONE1, 14) ,PHONE2 = LEFT(['RM Address Master'].PHONE2, 14) ,PHONE3 = LEFT(['RM Address Master'].PHONE3, 14) ,FAX = LEFT(['RM Address Master'].FAX, 14) FROM RM00101 AS ['RM Debtor Master'] INNER JOIN RM00102 AS ['RM Address Master'] ON ['RM Address Master'].CUSTNMBR = ['RM Debtor Master'].CUSTNMBR AND ['RM Address Master'].ADRSCODE = ['RM Debtor Master'].ADRSCODE DROP TABLE #NewDebtorAddressMaster
If you use this script then, as always when running a script, please make sure you have a good backup of your company database (I define a good backup as one you have restored to ensure it backed up correctly) and know what you are doing in Management Studio with SQL Statements.
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