One of the undocumented features of Microsoft Dynamics GP is the ability to use a custom splash screen.
The standard splash screen displayed by Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010;

Here is an example custom splash screen I knocked up based on the azurecurve website’s theme;

As long as the file is a bitmap (.bmp) 488 x 300 pixels in size, simply dropping it into the Microsoft Dynamics GP install folder (typically %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Dynamics\GP) will display the custom splash next time GP is loaded.
David Musgrave, on Developing for Dynamics GP, explained the history of the splash screen and has posted all the splash screens from Great Plains 5.5 through to Dynamics GP 2010 here.
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Microsoft have used very interesting features in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, it is very effective and useful for clients and partners
Hey Ian
Thanks for the call out.
PS: Would it be possible to get your RSS feed to include the entire post rather than just an excerpt?
Hi David,
I always give credit where it’s due.
And as requested, new detailed RSS feed available here