My fourth book is now available to buy in eBook format from azurecure Publishing.
Dynamics GP includes a variety of tools and modules to assist in controlling processes and data; one of the major modules for this was the Dynamics Workflow module. However, this module had major flaws which very much limited its usefulness; it was slow, clunky and difficult to install, configure and maintain.

As of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 this Workflow module has been replaced with a new one; Workflow 2.0. This new module lives entirely within Dynamics GP itself, thereby removing the dependency on SharePoint; this has the dual benefit of making Workflow 2.0 easy to setup, configure workflow processes and maintain on an ongoing basis.
The initial release of Workflow 2.0 had workflows available for approving purchase requisitions, purchase orders and timesheets for both Project and Payroll; Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 saw the introduction of workflow for additional areas of the system such as batch approval in General Ledger, Payables Management and Receivables Management.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 introduced two additional workflow types; Payables Management Invoice approval which allows individual invoices to be submitted for approval, which was the most requested workflow type on Microsoft Connect (, and SmartList View Approval.
Workflow 2.0 sends notification emails to users when they have received an action which needs to be performed and allows these actions to be performed via email without the using needing to be logged into Microsoft Dynamics GP. With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2, Email Notifications have been improved to integrate with Document Attachment and allow documents to be included on the email.
Who This Book Is For
This book is aimed at Dynamics GP users, partners and consultants who intend to utilize Workflow 2.0 to gain more control of the approval process.
This book assumes you have very basic knowledge of Windows Server, Active Directory for creating users and groups and a basic knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics GP. The final chapter is aimed at a more technical user than the rest of the book.
eBook Format
The initial release is in PDF format only; ePUB and MOBI formats will be added soon. If you buy the book now, the ePUB and MOBI formats will be made available to you when available for NO EXTRA cost. Simply leave a note during checkout that you want the additional formats or contact us through the Contact Us page using the email address used when placing your order.
What This Book Covers
This book introduces the concepts of workflow and moves onto Workflow 2.0. It covers the creation of both simple and complex document based workflow processes, a non-document based workflow, how users interact with the workflow process, including email notifications and email actions, before wrapping up with a step-by-step install and verification of the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
How This Book Is Structured
Chapter 1, Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics Workflow 2.0, introduces the basic concepts of workflow and then the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow 2.0.
Chapter 2, Setting up Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow 2.0, covers the setup of Workflow 2.0.
Chapter 3, Workflow Maintenance, introduces the Workflow Maintenance window and how a workflow process is created and activated.
Chapter 4, Creating a Simple Batch Approval Workflow, covers the creation of a simple General Ledger Batch Approval workflow process.
Chapter 5, Interacting with the workflow process, covers the ways of interacting with the workflow process including E-mail for Workflow and E-mail Actions.
Chapter 6, Creating a Complex Purchase Requisition Workflow, covers the creation of a complex purchase requisition workflow process.
Chapter 7, Creating a Vendor Approval Workflow, covers the creation of a vendor approval workflow..
Chapter 8, Installing Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, covers the installation, configuration and verification of the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP which are required if E-mail Actions are going to be used.
How much does it cost?
The book will cost $19.99 for the PDF eBook version; when the MOBI and ePUB formats are ready these will be added to any placed order at no extra cost.
Enter coupon code WFLAUNCHWEEK in the Checkout for 15% off until the first Sunday in June.
Will there be a paperback format
Yes, this is wending through the approval process, but should be available on Amazon and other retailers in the next week or so.
Where can I buy the book?
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